~I Can't~

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Kylie's POV

"So" he urged me on.

"So she's not doing it because she wants to." I spat.

"So then why is she?!" He began to shout.

When Harry shouted, he scared me. Literally scared me. He got very intimidating when he was upset. He seemed to grow in comparison and made me feel like an ant. He stood tall and wide, with raging fury running through his veins. He always had a dark green color in his eyes and his lips stayed pursed together.

"Harry." I whispered, placing my hand on his chest, not to calm him, to keep him from getting too close.

He seemed to calm a bit and took a step back.

"Sorry..." His eyes softened.

"No. That's okay. But what's happening... It's a lot. I can't. I can't tell you. And I'm not the one to tell you. You know that about me, I don't say anything I shouldn't unless I need to."

He looked to the door and stood. I was going to stop him, but I thought it better to let him leave.

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