~Strong Uncle Ken~

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Kylie's POV

We were driving to go see my uncle, Ken, who was hospitalized recently. They said he has cancer and he's in bad shape.

Niall was driving because he said he didn't want me to. He always got this way, when something was wrong, he didn't want me to drive.

My cousin, Kelly, called me, telling me that he was in bad shape and I was welcome to come any time. I asked if it was alright if I brought Niall, and he agreed.


We pulled up to the hospital and walked inside. Kelly was standing there by the door, waiting for us.

"Hey Kelly." I walked to him.

"Hey, cuz." He hugged me.

Kelly was older than me, he's in his 40s to 50, believe.

He walked us to uncle's room and I walked to his bed.

"Hey, uncle ken." I whispered.

"Hi, Kylie." He seemed shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit." I smiled slightly.

"Who's that?" He pointed to Niall.

"That's Niall, my boyfriend. Niall, this is my uncle, Ken. Uncle, this is Niall." I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you. Kylie told me lots of stories last night. All about when she was younger and used to come over to your house and you'd read her books and your wife would make her origami stuff." Niall shook his hand.

"Yeah. She was so little."

I always hated when people did that. 'Oh you were so little.' 'You were like this small.' 'I remember. You were so cute.' I always found it awkward.

"So, how're you holding up?" I asked.

"Not so well. But I can make it through. You know me, strong uncle Ken." He smiled.

I smiled and felt tears brim my eyes.

Niall grabbed my hand.

I never really spent much time with him lately. I was always busy with school and such. But I felt guilty, now, because I've been spending all my time with the boys. I could've been spending time with him.

I sat down in a chair next to his bed and grabbed his hand. "Strong uncle Ken." I repeated him.

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