"I got Dahlia to check the archives and our guy goes by the name of Amar Gemini." Luke Skywalker explained. "He hasn't caused any extreme trouble as far as we know, he just kidnaps livestock and tends to pickpockets a lot. We just have one issue."

"What might that be?"

"He's absolutely insane."

Elara snorted, covering her mouth and going red when she saw the sudden appearance of Ben and Vega almost falling over from laughing at her outburst.

Everything about Naboo was breathtaking and pure. As the ship landed, the padawan's watched the scenery grow even more beautiful as they touched the ground. Sandstone buildings reflected the sun and tall grass swayed like tiny dancers as they began to walk to the grand palace.

"How could anyone bad live on such a sinless planet?" Palace questioned before turning to Vega. "Oh wait, it isn't sinless..you lived here once."

Vega was quick to respond by elbowing Palace in the chest. "You aren't funny."

"And you two are considered Jedi." Ben rolled his eyes and straightened out his cloak. "Do we know his whereabouts?"

Luke shook his head. "We have allies here in the palace and I contacted them while everyone was asleep. The Queen of Naboo promised to help us the best she could."

Ben thought for a second, ruffling his black locks. "Grandmother lived here once."

Luke's face softened and he nodded at the mention of his own mother. "Did your mother tell you that?"

"Never." Ben responded. "I just feel it."

Neglect, Luke felt it course through Ben like it was stronger than any other force power they had come across. He knew his sister better than anyone and he knew that as a general, she was always busy but he never thought she had ignored Ben that much. What about Han Solo? He was always running around the galaxy but Luke expected Han to take Ben along with him a few times.

"That makes you a prince Ben." Elara nudged him.

"Quit it." He rolled his eyes at her, shoving her slightly.

"Upset you never got to be the king of the castle Prince Ben?" Elara poked fun at him, causing Ben to stifle a laugh.

"Enough." Luke couldn't even hide his laugh. "You should all know by now how to treat royalty."

"We aren't four Master." Dez commented.

Luke turned back to them. "Sometimes you act like it."

The palace was a glimmering gold and turquoise. Massive domes sparkled the reflecting sunlight, causing the palace to shine just a little bit more. The walls cracked with age and the pillars looked about as old as time itself. It was so mysterious and welcoming at the same time, Ben found himself wondering how his grandmother could of ended up with greatest Sith Lord ever.

The queen of Naboo, Pandora Beau was dressed in a magenta silk robe that was covered in sparkles of gold. As the Jedi walked closer, they noticed her powdered white skin, the two red dots located on each side of her cheeks and her four handmaidens dressed in the same gold that made the queen's dress sparkle.

"Master Jedi, I welcome you." Pandora spoke, her handmaidens following her every move.

"Queen Pandora." Luke went to kiss either sides of her cheeks. "I cannot thank you enough for helping us."

"The honour is all mine." Pandora looked over at the padawan's. "Nima, get these Jedi something to drink. It is important I show you the Naboo archives alone, we hold custom to our traditions Master Jedi."

"I wouldn't expect any less." Luke turned to the fellow Jedi. "Behave."

"The royal life is the best life." Dez cracked up. "You are missing out Benny."

Ben turned to look at Dez. "I swear to god-"

"Would you two quit it? What did Master Skywalker just say?" Elara snapped.

Nima, Pandora's handmaiden came back with chalices of fresh water from the waterfalls outside the palace.

"Thank you." Vega was the first to respond to her kind action, the others soon chiming in.

"What brings you to Naboo Jedi Masters?" She questioned curiously.

"We aren't Jedi Masters yet." Palace explained. "We are padawan leaners."

"My apologies." Her voice was quiet like most Naboo citizens.

"We are here on a rescue mission." Dez proudly said, tilting his chin up.

"How daring." Nima's eyes lit up.

"What a load of crap." Ben whispered to Elara, causing her to crack up.

"Elara's parents have been kidnapped and we are going to save them." Dez grinned.

"Alright wonderboy, we get it." Vega put a hand through her sunny hair.

"You must be so brave." Nima batted her eyelashes at Dez.

Luke and Pandora returned, Luke's face more focused than ever before while Pandora's aura yelled worry. Elara felt it too, the sudden anxiety that something was wrong.

"What is it Master Skywalker?" Elara piped up.

"Amar Gemini used to be apart of the Empire." Luke's jaw clenched.

Ben's mood changed and he immediately stopped what he was doing. "He was a servant of Darth Vader?"

Luke didn't seem bothered by this question, he just nodded.

"Do you have his location?" Vega began to walk towards the palace doors.

"He was last registered in the swamp lands." Pandora explained. "I warn you though Jedi, Amar Gemini is a crazy man."

"Only Geil Hutt would make deals with a mad man." Ben muttered.

"We will take every precaution when facing him your majesty, thank you for everything you have done for us." Luke thanked her, turning to his padawan's. "Let's go."

Darkness At Dawn • Kylo Ren [1]Where stories live. Discover now