Chapter 11

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Fiore again.

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Emilio's POV

I went down stairs in the morning clad in dark jeans and a plain blue shirt. She was awake,in the kitchen probably making breakfast. When I walked into the room the first thing I saw was her ass in her tight navy blue jeans. Damn that ass!

She turned around and smiled at me." Good morning. I would really appreciate it if you didn't stare at my ass okay."

"I wasn't.." Before I could she cut me short.

"I know you were Emilio. Sit breakfast will be ready in a while." She said turning her attention back to the eggs.

"Where's Darya?" I asked. I'm pretty sure that I told her we were going early.

"I told her to go back and sleep. She's tired so I told her that I'll cook the breakfast for her."

I did as she told me and soon she walked into the dining room with a plate of an omelette in her hand and a cup of milk in the other.

"Thank you." I said.

"Welcome." I followed her ass until she disappeared into the kitchen.

She would be a good wife, I thought to myself as I ate, better than Fiore.

Stop stop it. You're engaged for heavens sake. You're about to get married. You can't think of Ronna in that way. You're in love with Fiore and not her. Right?

She sat down next to me and has her breakfast in silence and when we were done, I helps her wash the dishes. She then got a bag and I told her that she wouldn't need it so she left it. We got into the car and she sat silently beside me probably deep in thought like most of the time. I turned on the radio and for the whole journey we didn't talk.


She turned to look at me." Yeah."

"Are you angry at me or something? Was it something that I did?"

She smiled at me. "No. Why would you think that."

"Its just that you've been so silent."

"Oh I'm sorry I was just thinking."

I smiles at her before turning my attention back to the road. We were almost there. I took a turn to the left and began the journey through the rocky earth road. After almost an hour we arrived. It was plain and dusty and rocky outside.

We got out and I set up what wee would use. I walked to her and she was standing at the edge of the small cliff that we were on.

"You like the view?"

I asked and immediately saw her jump. "Emilio don't ever scare me like that again."

"Oh I'm sorry ,"I said as I put my hands on her shoulder. "So do you like the view?"

"Yeah. Its great don't you think."

"I guess so. Let's go." She followed me to where I had set up and we began shooting.

At one point she had to use a rifle and she didn't know how to. I stood closer to her so that my chest was touching her back. I put my hands around hers as she held the gun and saw her hands starting to sweat.

She would only sweat when she was nervous and it was good to see that I still had this effect on her by just touching her. I tried my hardest not to get aroused by how close my dick was to her ass but I failed terribly because soon I saw her shift in discomfort and pull away from me.

You just had to fuck things up didn't you Emilio.


Ronna's POV

I wasn't angry that he had a boner. This things happen and I understand it was getting dark now but Emilio and I still sat near the edge of the cliff talking about useless things like how king cobras had muscles in their bodies that enabled them to keep their heads high. It had gotten cold and Emilio had given me his jacket that he always had on his car.

It sniffed it and I was entranced at how good it smelt. It smelt so masculine,so nice.

"We should go, its late now and the drive back home is about four hours." He said to me as we stood up. We got into the car. It was seven o'clock. It was that late?

He began driving through the dark desolate, dry land and one hour later I was began worrying that we were lost.

"Emilio, how comes we haven't reached the tarmac road yet? Are we lost?"

"No were not. I've been here dozens of times. I know my way around."

"Are you sure? Because its pretty dark and you could be going the wrong way."

"I'm sure we're not lost."

I just kept quiet and one hour later we still hasn't reached the main road.

"Emilio were lost."

"No we aren't."

"We've been here for two hours I know were lost."

"You're such a pessimist you know that."

I ignored him. He's clearly lost his mind. I asked his gps for the location to the main road and almost immediately, a map appeared on the screen showing us which way to go.

"Now was that so hard Emilio?"

He smiled at me and continued driving. An hour later, we reached the main road but it was a different from the one we used to get there.

"What do we do know?" I asked with a mixture of fear and confusion in my voice.

"Don't be scared. We can't go home now its too late but there's a small town a few miles from here.Well look for a diner have our supper there them we can look for a motel where we can spend the night.Okay?"

"Sure why not."

He began driving and I starred out of the window into our pitch black surroundings. I heard my stomach grumble and I prayed that we would arrive soon.

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