Chapter 8

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That's Dario up there.

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Ronna's POV

He was tall with dark hair and slightly blue eyes. He smiled at me revealing his dimples before he introduced himself with a deep masculine voice.

"Good evening, I'm Tito and you are?"

"Ronna. I'm Ronna." I said with a shaky voice. Why ?I don't know?

He sat down next to me and ordered a drink.

"What's a beautiful lady like yourself doing here all alone?"

"I'm just drinking."

"Did you come here with someone?" He asked sipping his drink.

"Yes I did but I don't know where he is at the moment."

"That's such a pity."

I just nodded and turned away from him. The excitement that I had when I saw him now vanished. There was this vibe I was picking up from him that I didn't like. I picked my purse up and walked away from the bar, from the crowds of people, from the drunks and into a quiet solitary place. The library. I switched on the lights and made myself comfortable on the couch as I began flipping through a book I had picked from the shelves.

I couldn't read it, it was in Italian and so I stood up and headed to the other shelve as I looked for a suitable book that I could read to kill my boredom. I must have been to engrossed in my ventures because I didn't realize Tito standing behind me.

I turned around to meet his eyes. He had a wide smile in his face.

"Why did you just leave me?"

"I wanted to come to a quiet place." I said moving away from me.

"Why is that?" He asked as he followed me.

"Because I like quiet places."

I stood before one of the shelves and he locked me in between him and the shelves. I became uncomfortable.

"That's funny because I like quiet places too. Especially if there are beautiful people like you in them."

"Good for you." I said giving him a sarcastic smile as I tried to get away from him. His grip was strong around my waste as he pulled me in for what was expected to be a kiss. I was disgusted. I immediately pulled away from his rough lips and tried to break away from his tight grip.

"Oh you want to play rough." He said giving me a wide grin as he grabbed my ass. He started kissing my neck as I fought back. I kicked and punched him but he continued anyway. I tried to push him off but he didn't move. Maybe I wasn't as strong as I thought I was.

"Tonight I will have you whether you like it or not."
And with that all my walls broke down. I began crying. Why me? Why this again?

I wasn't going to let this happen to me so I fought with all my might. I pulled out a book from the shelf and hit him on the head. It didn't do much but make him loosen his grip slightly and that was all I needed. I kicked him on the groin and stepped on his right foot with my extremely sharp heel until he loosened his grip even more. Then I bit his neck. Yes I bit his neck because I was desperate to escape. He finally let go as he studied the new mark on his neck with his hand.

"You bitch..."

Before he could finish I had already ran from the library. The tears were hot on my cheeks as I ran to the bathroom. I had been there before so I knew where it was. I sat down on the floor and let the tears flow. A knock interrupted me and I stood up quickly washing my face and drying it and making sure there was no evidence that I was crying even though my eyes were red and puffy.

I opened the door and found Emilio starring at me.

"Bellisimo, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine never been better." I said faking a smile and trying to walk away from him. He stopped me and looked into my eyes.

"Are you sure? Don't lie to me Ronna."

"I need to find Dario so please excuse me," I said pushing him away.

I asked around , I asked if anyone had seen him and they told me he had gone upstairs. I went up stairs and I was about to open all the doors to see if he was in any of the rooms when I heard a loud mourn.

Out of curiosity, I decided to find out where the sound was coming from. I opened the door to a large room and there he was. I mean there they were. Dario was on top of Selina and he stopped what he was doing when he saw me and they quickly covered their naked bodies.

I couldn't handle this anymore and just let all my anger out.
"You bastard. You liar. How DARE you do this to me!"

I went on venting out my anger. Calling him names. Insulting him and that slut Selina.

"Well its not my fault!" He yelled back at me. I was taken a back.


"I wouldn't have done that if you let me sleep with you. Its been a year since I had any sex and I can't keep up with not having sex anymore."

"So its my fault that I'm saving myself. And we've been with each other for three years so you must have cheated on me before right?"

He was silent. My question was answered.
"We're done." I said with a time of finality as I walked out of the room.

There were already a few by standers who starred at me and murmured as I
walked past them. I needed to gat away from this place. I need to leave.
I got out of the house and asked Fabio to drive me to the mansion.

When we got there he let me into the house and whispered a sorry before I ran up the stairs and locked myself in the room. I sat down and cried. I let all the tears flow out as I cried. I didn't know how for long I had cried but I stood up and had a shower and got dressed in my pajamas shorts and a baggy t shirt. I sat in the balcony and watched the sea, as I thought of how screwed up my life was.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. I dragged my feet and turned the door knob after unlocking it. It was Emilio.

"Go away." I said as I began to close the door. He stopped it with his foot.

"Can I come in?"

"No. Please leave me alone?"

"I'm sorry but I can't. Can I come in?" He asked again.

I sighed and let him in and I closed the door behind him.

The Italians #Book 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя