Chapter 14

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Ronna again.

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Ronna's POV.

For three days I avoided contact with Emilio and Fiore. I stayed in my room for most of the time. After all I did have everything that I needed ,food clothes and a tv. I had endless bars of chocolate and Darya would bring me sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and diner. I binged on so many series that I lost count.

At last my period ended and I became alive again. Emilio had asked to meet me because he wanted to take me to meet Marzio, my old friend.

I had a shoer and got into blue jeans, a black shirt and a black leather jacket. I put on some black heels and straightened my hair from the curly mess and made it wavy. I put on some red lipstick and took a black handbag from the closet and walked out of the room.

Emilio was in the garden having breakfast when I joined him after having mine.

"Morning Ronna."

"Good morning Emilio." I said as I sat down on the bench opposite him.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah. I am."

"Oh by the way you're mum called last night but you were buried in your room and so I told her that you would call her back today." He handed me his phone. "Here you go."

I quickly dialed my mothers number and she picked up almost immediately.

"Ronna. Hey baby. How are you? I've missed you so much. We haven't talked for almost a week are you fine?
Have they done anything bad to you?"

"Mum calm down. I'm great actually and you know that it was that time of the month again and you know how I can get.I've missed you too how's Carter and Thomas?"

And so we had a long conversation. We talked for over an hour and I had to stop the call because we had arrived at Marzio's warehouse. We got out and made our way to the entrance.

"You don't have to stand this next to me Emilio. I can handle myself." I said as the palms of my hands began sweating.

"I know you can but you never know what can happen."

We walked in and found Marzio sitting on his desk, his men positioned in every corner.

"Ahh Ronna Lewis. Its been so long," he said as he walked towards us lifting his glass of whisky. He pulled me in for a hug. "It is so good to see you again."

"You too Marzio."

"Emilio." He said greeting him.

"Please sit down make yourself comfortable, we have a lot of catching up to do and a lot to talk about."

We sat down and we were both given water and we started talking.

"I see you're still with this bastard." He said pointing at Emilio.

"No I'm not with him."

"Then who are you with?"

"No one actually." I said as I sipped my water.

"He fucked up didn't he? And that stupid brother of his fucked up too huh?"

"Shut up Marzio," I heard Emilio shout.

"Don't worry Emilio. I'm not saying anything bad about you. Now calm the fuck down okay."
Marzio turned his attention back to me and we continued catching up.

In those two years that I had been away, he had gotten married and was now expecting a child. The mafia business was booking and they were making millions.

"Now looks here honey, the game has changed a lot, thing could get messy when you get down to Mexico so you need to take care of yourself and be watchful. Has Emilio told you the plan?" Asked Marzio.

"No I'll tell her later." Said Emilio looking at me before shifting he is gaze to Marzio.

"Okay then. I guess that's it for today. It was nice seeing you again Ronna." He said getting up and giving me a hug.

"You too Marzio. Great your wife for me." I said as I let go of him

We were walking out of the ware house when I heard Marzio shout. "Emilio you bastard, you better take care of her."

Emilio remained silent through the whole journey home and I just looked outside the window the while time. Occasionally I would steal glimpse of him and smile. When we arrived, we had diner almost immediately and I retired to my room.

A few minutes later I heard Emilio knock on my door. I knew it was Emilio because if the way he knocked. He knocked harder than everyone else. I put on a long robe because I had put on pajama shorts and a tank top and I didn't want to temp him. I opened the door and found him pacing outside in the hallway.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Umm actually I just came to tell you that were leaving on Thursday two days from here. The meeting is on Sunday and if all goes well you'll be back in Canada on Wednesday night. That's it goodnight."

I nodded and closed the door. Somehow he seemed sad but I didn't let that bother me. All that mattered is that soon I would be home. Soon I would be with my family again. I said my prayers and slipped into the sheets.

Soon. So soon.

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