Chapter 6

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Hey guys here is Fiore with the dress she will wear to Emilio's uncle's party.

Hope you guys are doing great.

Remember to vote comment and ask any questions.

Your about to meet someone special in the next chapter. Oh how I have the urge to spoil the surprise that awaits but I'm sorry I can't.

Well that's it for now
Bye :)


Ronna's POV

I had packed my bags and I was waiting in the living room for Emilio to arrive. It was now a few minutes past seven and I was watching how to get away with murder, the series that I was extremely obsessed with. Unfortunately Darya and Olivia wouldn't travel with us to Italy and Fabio who was somehow Emilio's cousin had traveled the night before meaning that it would only be Emilio and I his private plane.

It would be an extremely awkward long flight but I couldn't back down even though I wanted to. I assumed that he had arrived when the door was opened and shut with a loud bang. I heard his footsteps getting closer and finally I felt his presence behind me.

I started sweating for reasons unknown. Maybe I was nervous because he was just standing behind me saying nothing, making no sound. Finally he talked.

"Is that how to get away with murder?"

"Yeah it is." I said switching of the laptop he had lend me and standing up. "Can we leave now?"

"Why are you so eager to leave?" He asked pulling my gigantic suitcase through the hallway as I followed him pulling a much smaller suitcase.

"I'm excited. It will be my first time in Italy."

"If you want to go to Italy so bad, you could have asked me to take you there a long time ago."

He put the suitcases in the boot and got into the car.

"I had things on my mind at that time."

"I know like planning how you would escape." He smiled at me before putting the engine on and starting to drive.

Thirty minutes later we arrived at the hangar. We got into the luxurious plane and the long flight began.
I didn't know how long I had slept when I woke up. I rubbed my eyes before sitting straight. I found Emilio starring at me. He was sitting directly opposite me again and he smiles at me.

"Why are you starring at me?" I asked as I drunk water from a bottle that was on the table.

"No reason."

"That's not a legit answer Emilio." I said looking out of the window.

It was dark as expected. I turned back to face Emilio again.

"Have you slept?" I asked.

"Not really. I couldn't."


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