Chapter 17

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Hey hey
Hope you guys are doing great,

There's a shot of Ronna.

Hope you guys member to vote and comment and ask any questions. PS Tell you're friends about the book.

So I'm back at school,bummer right through I'm really trying to update as fast as I can.

Well that's it from me,
Bye bye :)


Ronna's POV.

He went on and on about what needed to be done tomorrow. All that I should say how to behave and so on. I was nervous listening to all this information and listening to what I had to do. What comforted me was that we would be the only ones. Fabio ,Gustavo, Olivia and two other of Emilio's men would be there in he side lines in case anything happened

He took me to the beach and we walked on the sand as the heat burned our back but nonetheless it was still beautiful. The calm waters, the kids running around, the couples walking around, the cooling breeze. Everything was beautiful. We sat down under an umbrella and just starred at the vast mass of water. Occasionally I could feel Emilio starring at me but I tried to ignore it.

"So when is your wedding?" I asked as we began our walk back to the hotel.

"I don't want to talk about that."he said with a harsh voice.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I said is a soft voice,almost like a whisper.

We walked back silently and went to our room where we still remained silent. We had supper. Not what I had expected though. I wanted you Mexican food with really hot chili sauce and so many flavors but instead we had steak. I guess Emilio ordered it for us because he seemed to be enjoying it.

"Ronna, tomorrow wear something nice, not a dress though, something you can move around in." He said as I walked into the room. I nodded and continued making my way to the room when a hand grabbed my wrist .

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked as I turned around to meet his eyes. Lately he had been apologizing for so many things and I couldn't understand why.

"For what I've done to you. For every single thing."

"Don't worry.It's fine." I said.

He did get what he wanted in the first place. He got information, not from me and Val off course but from someone else and he managed to destroy the Russian mafia just like he wanted in the first place but they were still rich and living the lavish life they were used to. Val had told me all about it,she was told by Nicolò.

I took a shower and got into pajamas. I prayed,off course. I prayed for tomorrow, that we wouldn't die,that we would b fine because I was still terrified. I got into bed and a few minutes later, I heard Emilio get into his bed.

The whole night I couldn't sleep. I was being paranoid. I thought that I heard someone or something in the house and so I clenched the gun that was under my bed so close to me preparing myself to shoot. Off course there was no one and as soon as daylight broke, I had a shower and got into tight blue jeans, a white vest and a black leather jacket. I put on red lipstick and some eyeliner and mascara and decided to go with black sneakers,in case in needed to run. I'm not a fan of high heels and if I couldn't walk perfectly in them how could I run in them.

I hid the gun in my jeans and went to the living room where I sat down, tensed and deep in though. I didn't even realize Emilio until he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Ronna! Ronna are you there? Ronna snap out of it."
I blinked a couple of yes before shifting my gaze at him. He was wearing blue jeans and a fitting black shirt. He also had some shades on.
"Have you eaten yet bellisimo?"


"Come on, you need to eat , you need the energy." And so I followed him into the kitchen where we had our breakfast silently as usual.

"Are you ready?" He asked.I simply nodded.

"Look Ronna,you don't need to be afraid okay. I'll protect you though you can handle yourself. Nothing bad will happen."I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring smile.

I smiled back at him and tried to calm myself down. We stopped before he door and he handed me a gun.

"Here,you'll need this."

"But I already have one." I said.

"Just take it. You can never be too safe you know."

I hesitantly tool the gun and his it in y jeans. Damn they're heavy!

We made our way out of the hotel and into the waiting vehicle. It was a black SUV. We got in and the driver began driving us to our destination. I couldn't remember most of the drive. It was a blur to me and soon we arrived at our destinations. An old warehouse.

"Calm down Ronna. It will be okay. Just take deep breaths okay." Said Emilio before stepping out of the car. I did the same and he came and stood next to me as I starred at the large warehouse.

"You can do this." He said before beginning to walk.

I followed closely behind him and we entered the warehouse. It was larger than it appeared and there were boxes all over the place.

Drugs! I thought to myself as a guard led us to where Nazario Vito was.
He had grown fatter than the last time I saw him almost three tears ago. He turned to me and studied me with his brown eyes.

"Ronna. Its good to see you again. You have grown more beautiful than the last the I saw you. You know its not too late to say yes to becoming the fourth Mrs Vito," he said throwing me a flirtatious wink.

Oh I forgot to mention Nazario was a pervert. A sick disgusting old man with a twisted mind.He almost drugged me once so that he could sleep with me but I was smart enough to uncover his plan. He was also a man whore. Worse than others I've ever seen before. He would sleep with two women at the same time and touch them in public.

"Well Mr Vito I will kindly decline your offer." I said throwing him a fake smile.

He laughed and told us to follow him to his office. It wasn't much if an office, just a desk with a paper on it and and three chairs for the three of us. Emilio and Nazario began talking and occasionally I would say a word or two. Then all of a sudden there was a gunshot.

I hadn't heard a gunshot in years and I panicked. Since when were they so loud?
We all rushed out of the room and Nazario me were behind him. He made his way to the entrance and stood facing us and a man whispered something into his ear. Nazario gave us a mean look and his men began surrounding him and pointing their guns at us.

Never in m life had I felt so intimidated. I was off course just over reacting because there were like ten guards only but still, I felt intimidated.

"Well I'm sorry, this deal could have gone better were it not for that bastard of a brother of yours ruining everything. I would have really loved to be partners with you again but I'm sorry I can't. Finish them." He said as he walked out with two men following him closely behind.

Wait did he say finish them? Before I could even comprehend what was going on, I heard gunshots and felt someone pull me. Emilio took out his gun and began shooting. I did the same but my hands were shaky and my heart was beating a little but too much. Emilio ran to his behind another box and began shooting and I did the same. I was really unsure of myself.

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