Chapter 22

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Hey hey
How are you guys?

I'm great really just stressed because of school.
But other than that I think I'm fine.

Hope you guys remember to vote and comment.


Ronna's POV

I was released three days earlier because I was responding very well to the medicine and I wasn't in as much pain as before. We were now in Emilio's hotel room a block away from the hospital. We would be leaving tomorrow for LA. He insisted that I should rest before our long flight and so I lay on the king sized bed,in boxers briefs and a tank top trying to get some sleep but I couldn't.

I got up and headed to the kitchen to see if I could get a snack. I found Emilio in the balcony taking in the view of the city.

"I thought I told you to sleep." He said as he looked at me.

"I couldn't."

"You didn't try hard enough." He said play fully as he lifted me off of my feet and carried me to the room.

He placed me gently on the bed and sat down beside me.

"Give me a minute."

He said as he walked out if the room.
I stood up and walked towards the door but before I could open it, he walked in with a glass of water and some pills.

"I thought I told you to stay put." He said as he placed the glass down and smiled at me.

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did."
He said as he tackled me to the bed playfully and ended up on top of me.My abdomen flinched with slight pain but I didn't let it bother me, I just let it slide.

"I like this position." He whispered before kissing me passionately until we were both out of breath. He ended the long kiss and started kissing neck as I let out a short moan that I had held in for such a long time.
"Oh God how I've missed you." He said before he stood up and brought the medicine to me.

"Your medicine. Take it."

I didn't protest and I obediently took the colored pills and drank the water.
I then got into the sheets and covered myself. Soon I felt a hand pulling me towards a warm body.Emilio held me tightly and kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight bellisimo." He whispered into my ear.

A few minutes later, I heard his soft snores and smiled. This is what I wanted. I felt happy and protected in his arms. I felt butterflies in my stomach whenever he kissed me or complimented me.I loved him. I really did.

The suns rays filled the room the following morning. I turned around and found Emilio starring at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said before he pla d a kiss on my forehead." You're just really beautiful."

I blushed at the compliment. "We should get ready." He said as he stood up and offered his hand to me. I tool it and got out of the bed.

"I'll go shower first." I said as I made my way to bathroom.

"Don't take long." He shouted as I closed the door.

Half an hour later, I emerged from the bedroom and walked into the kitchen clad in shorts ,a sleeveless T-shirt and sandals.

He smiled at me when he saw me.
"You look great." He said.


We both sat down and ate our breakfast as we laughed and talked.

"You know I'm really lucky to have you." He said as he planter a kiss on my forehead. "I really am."

Emilio's POV

The flight was long and most of the time she was asleep.She must have been exhausted and the medication she was on only made her more drowsy. We landed a few hours before evening at around two in the afternoon and she was beyond eager to see her family once again.

During the whole journey back to the mansion,she didn't shut up.She went on and on about how she had missed her brother and her nephew and especially her mother. I saw her eyes light up as soon as we entered the compound and she looked like she was about to jump out of her seat.
As soon as the var came to a stop, she jumped out of her seat and ran up the stairs and into the house.

I dismissed the driver and told him that I would carry the luggage to the house. He was shocked but I insisted.

I got into the house, dragging two suitcases and a few bags. And then I saw her. Ronna's mother.

She was shorter then I expected and had the same had and skin color as Ronna. Her skin was wrinkle free and she looked so young. Her eyes were a darker shade of brown and she looked so kind and generous.This was the first time I had met her in real life and I felt slightly off balance.

Was I scared? No. Maybe. I mean its the first time I'm meeting my future wife's mother. I have a right to be in slight fear that she may not like me.

"Let me help you with that." Said Ronna as she appeared behind her mothers frame with a young boy on her hip.

"Mom, Thomas this is Emilio. Emilio this is my mother, Rosetta and my brother."she said as she put the boy down.

"So you're the man she keeps on talking about. Its nice to finally meet you," she said as she smiled kindly at me.

"You too." I held out my hand to great her but instead she pulled me in for a hug that I easy expecting.

Thomas ran to me and said," So you're Ronnie's boyfwend?" I picked him up and looked at him. He had a slight resemblance to Ronna with his nose and his eyes.

"Yes I am."I replied.

He asked me to put him down and he ran to the kitchen shouting. "You'll never catch me.You'll never catch me."
And so I ran after the little man.

This had gone much better than I had expected.


Comment vas-tu? (How are you?)

Anyway hope you guys are fine. Here's another update I know its been long and I'm sorry for that.

Anyway the end is near.
I'll be done in the next two chapters and I warn you that it may be short.

So that's it for now.

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