Chapter 23

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I'm back with the second last chapter.

(I'll tell you what the pictures are or you'll find out as you read)



Ronna's POV

It had been five months since we arrived back to LA. My family went back to Canada a month later after we had arrived and said that they preferred living there than here.
Emilio and I had gone to visit them for a month and it was mainly because Valeria was due to give birth and I,being her best friend obviously wanted to be by her side again as she gave birth the second time.

This time it was a girl and she was named Cara. She was beautiful and she had her mother's beauty and her father's calmness. Taylor was about four years and I was amused at how much he had grown while I was away.
We still lived in the mansion and I owned a small flower shop at one of the corners of the end of a street. I had insisted that Emilio should let me own it and after a lot of convincing he finally agreed to let me have my own business and be independent.

He on the hand had ended all ties he had with the mafia. He now owned an NGO that helps refugees from war stricken countries and he owned half the shares to a brewery. So yes he was still rich and it amazed me how he had changed.

He was more down to earth than before and he was so sweet and less arrogant than before but either way I still loved him with all my heart.

Olivia and Fabio had gotten married and they moved to Italy and Darya,she was still with us, bringing joy to our lives everyday with her sweet smile and her presence.

I had just gotten of the phone with Valeriya and I needed to prepare for dinner.
A few hours earlier,Emilio had called me and told me that he wanted to take me out for dinner. We had done this several times and we went on several dates.

There were several passionate kisses and piggy back rides and road trips. Several movies, several times shopping ,several everything between us and so this dinner was not a surprise to me.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the closet with a towel wrapped around my body and another around my head.I pulled out a new red dress with such a beautiful design and bodice and a pair of black heels. I straightened my hair even though I knew that Emilio would prefer it if it was normal, meaning curly.

I got into the dress and I put on some earrings and put on mascara, eyeliner and some dark shade of red lipstick. I pulled out a silver purse to match the outfit and put in my phone,pocket tissues and lip gloss.

I heard a knock on my door. "Ronna dear, Emilio's here. He's waiting for you outside."

"Okay one second." I shouted as I walked to the mirror and looked at myself.

I looked good enough.

I opened the door to my room and made my way down the hallway and down the stairs. I walked into the sitting room and saw Emilio looking outside the window.

"Ready?" I asked and snapped him out of his daze.

His eyes locks onto mine and he studied me from head to toe as his eyes lit up.

The Italians #Book 2Where stories live. Discover now