Chapter 18

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Emilio again.

Oh my gosh I'm almost done how exciting.

Remember to vote and comment and bla bla bla.

Thank you:)


Ronna's POV

I shot at a man who was trying to shoot at me and I think I killed him. I killed man. I'm such a monster. I killed a man.I felt a presence behind me and turned around with my gun pointing at the persons head.I was petrified and I thought that they would kill me.

"Relax its me." It was Fabio. I let out a sigh or relief and turned my attention back to the people shooting at us from across the room.
" You're good at this just rain focused." He whispered into my ear.

Everything was going so fast. We kept on moving from place to place, constantly reloading our guns and taking cover. I didn't want this, I didn't want any of this to happen but right now was not the time for me to complain. Nazario's men were good, really good and they avoided our bullets really well. We managed to kill five of them and that meant that three were on the loose. Three men who could easily kill us.Fabio had gone to look for one of them who was in hiding and Gustavo and Olivia helped us shoot at one of them who was like an expert at dodging bullets.

I stayed behind off course, well hidden, a few inches away from Emilio pointing the gun into blank space just in case anyone would come out from there. I was being pathetic and delusional until I saw him.A tall dark man whose face was hidden and he was aiming his gun at Emilio's back. I didn't know what to do, I started panicking. I couldn't let him kill Emilio and as soon as I saw him pull the trigger I jumped.

I fell down on the floor with a loud thud and there was pain in my lower abdomen. The world became blurry and I looked down and saw my blood stained shirt and put my hand on it.

What had I done? What had just happened?I've been shot! I'm going to die. I'm going to die. Lord forgive me my sins. Forgive me for I am a sinner. Please forgive me.

The world became even more blurry as I became dizzy. I could see Emilio kneeling next to me,my body in his hands, panic all over his face.

"Ronna,stay with me. Stay with me. Don't leave me."

I knew I was going to die, there was no use fighting it. I gave him a weak smile and told him 'don't worry about me. I'll be fine' in a soft voice before closing my eyes and going into a dark world.


Emilio's POV.

There she lay in my hands almost lifeless. Tears threatened to get out of my eyes as I lifted her body and rushed to the car. Fabio got into the car and drove as fast as he could to the nearest hospital as I sat at the back,holding her body close to mine.

As soon as we survived, she was taken by nurses and rushed to the surgery ward. I followed closely behind telling them that they had to do everything that they possibly could to bring her back to her health. A nurse stopped me and told me that I couldn't go past the doors and that I needed to sit down and wait.

I did, and Fabio came with a bottle of water and handed it to me. I was panicking.

What if she dies? Its all because of me. She got shot trying to protect me. She risked her life for me. I screwed up big time. I fucking screwed up. I promised to take care of her but I couldn't. I'm such a screw up. Its all my fault. I shouldn't have forced her to do this. I shouldn't have ruined her normal life. Fuck what if she dies? I never got to tell her how much I love her. I'm such a screw up. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Did Dario have something to do with this I swear I will kill him.

I hadn't realized that I was now punching the wall due to my anger. My knuckles were in pain as I sat down on the chair trying to calm down. A nurse walked to us and I jumped out of my seat.

"How is she? Is she fine? Is she stable?"

"Sir you need to relax and calm down. Please have a seat."

With that she disappeared to the other side of the hospital and I just sat down staring at the floor deep in thought. I hadn't even realized that Gustavo and Olivia were present until Olivia brought me a coffee.

I looked at the clock. It had been five hours. Five fucking hours. Is she okay? Why is the surgery taking so long?

Two hours later, a doctor walked out and walked towards us.

"Mr Guido yes?"

I nodded my head.

"She's out of surgery. She's stable but she lost a lot of blood. We almost lost her a couple times but thankfully we didn't. The bullet caused a lot of internal bleeding and we managed to remove it. It caused a lot of damage to her internal organs but that's nothing that time can't heal. Apart from that she is in a comma and the bad news is that she might or might not come back."

"A comma?"

"Yes sir. If you would like to see her please follow me." He began walking to her room and I stalked closely behind him.

There she was. Lying on the bed, so peaceful and innocent.

She's in a comma because of me. She almost died because of me. She might not even wake up from this comma because of me. She was right. I am a monster. I ruined her. Its all my fault.

I sat down on a chair next to her bed and just starred at her.

It's all my fault.


So I'll be gone for a while that's why I did six updates today.

Please forgive the errors and my absence. I promise I'll be back soon and I'll finish the book.

So see you in a while.

Bye bye take care.

The Italians #Book 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя