trip to the hospital

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Chapter 26

Zayn’s P.O.V

Aww Sapphire looks so scared. OH well she’ll live. Maybe

“Are you sure this ride is safe?” she asked sitting down and clinging on for dear life on the pole thing. ”Yes of course do you really think I’d get on a ride I might die on?” I chuckled and I saw her muscles tense “seriously you’ll be fine” I reassured her “if I die I’m gonna sue you” she warned “if you die you won’t be able to sue me as you’ll be dead” I laughed at her “shut up” she muttered.

We’d just hopped of the Ferris wheel and my belly started to rumble so I quickly sent the lads a text hoping they would receive it. Within 5 minutes though I got a text from Liam saying to meet him at the restaurant and he’ll round the boys up.


“Hey, what do you want, we were just about to order” Louis said waiting for us to say.

We told him our order and he toddled off with an order from Niall for them to be quick with his food.

“Okay, done it will be here in 10 minutes leppy” Louis joked ruffling Niall’s hair.

“What did you guys do?” Harry asked mainly towards Sapphire jeez what his problem is, I have no idea and I’m beginning to doubt I ever will. “Ferris wheel, Saph was scared” I teased “oh be quiet she said pouting like a little child.

Harry tensed and no one spoke but luckily the food arrived and the tension that could be cut with a knife vanished.

We ate out dinner and Sapphire started to choke. Everyone froze no one knew what to do. Liam ran around by her and looked at her and whipped out his phone. “Ambulance please… yea I think she’s having an allergic reaction… okay bye” Liam said trying to keep his self-calm.

The ambulance came within minutes “we can allow one of you to come” an ambulance man said “I will” Louis said “I’m her guardian, I adopted her” he told the ambulance man.

The rest of us got in the car and followed along “Were looking for Sapphire Tomlinson” I asked “room 212 second floor” the receptionists told us. Everyone ran into the lift/elevator. “This stupid lift needs to Fu…” “Harry be quiet people will here, were all worried to but just shut up” Liam scolded Harry.

“Here quick there’s Louis” Niall said running to Louis but got warned not to run by a nurse. He went red and apologised and carried on but speed walked up to Louis and running into his arms. The poor, little, sensitive Irish lad.

“She’s had an allergic reaction towards the nut that was in her salad. The doctor said she’s never been diagnosed before so he’s given her a needle pen thing that you put in your arm if you accidently eat nuts or whatever” Louis said a little shakily.

“You may go in and see her now” a nurse told us walking out the room and down the corridor. Everyone gathered around her bed.  “How you feeling” Harry asked tears visible in his eyes “okay” Sapphire croaked.

Everyone was asking how she was and then woman and a man walked in the room.

“Are you Sapphire Mosby?” the woman asked “no Sapphire Tomlinson” Louis replied for her “we wasn’t talking to you lad” the man spat “anyway, I’m your mom and this is my husband after I ended it with your dad as he abused me, please I really wanted to take you with me but he said he would kill me if I did I’m sorry” she begged

“m-my mom died” Sapphire stuttered.


A/N I know it’s taken me forever to update but sorry. Yea. Kill me. Please don’t

Okay so quiannahoney1299 commented first but I’ve dedicated a chapter you before so I thought I’d mention you here.

So it is dedicated to musicalsnakebite the second person to update, also my friend.

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Mickie xx

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