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A/N I don’t usually do AN’s at the top but I just want to say thank you to @qiannahoney1299 for the ship name. Thank you!

Chapter 14

Sapphire’s P.O.V

Oh god, oh god, oh god he is DAMN HOT. “So Sapphire how old are you?” he asked.

“16, 17 in a few days. You?” I asked with an outburst of confidence. Don’t ask where that came from. No kidding!

“17” he replied (A/N I just typed 71 instead of 17)

“Do you wanna go grab a coffee? My treat.” He asked all gentlemen like. “Yeah sure.” Oh my days mother nature, father god you are being so terribly kind to me today. You have blessed my soul.

I shall thank you both when I read out my Oscar speech cause you know everyone loves me and I am obviously going to become famous I don’t know what for yet but I will.

“Earth to Sapphire, Sapphy, Saph is anyone in there?” Mr Jakey said snapping his fingers in front of my face. “W-what? Oh sorry must of dozed out there for a minute” well obviously I did just you know started writing my Oscar speech.

“Okay no worries” He laughed at me. “Don’t laugh at me” I playfully hit his arm. Yep flirting you know don’t get nowhere without.

We got to Starbucks and as I’ve said before he is such a gentleman and I’ll let you guess what he did.

No I can’t I have to tell you he opened the door for ME!!!! Like gosh he is so adorable.

“So what do you want?” he asked “Erm well, maybe tha- nonono I’ll have Ooohh no, agh I don’t know wait I do I’ll have a chocolate mocha please” that was hard work. It’s so hard to choose what you want as there are so many nice things here.

“You go get us a table and I’ll go order” he told

I am so taking him out somewhere maybe dinner. Yea maybe tomorrow I’ll take him out for dinner. I feel bad not paying but as long as buy something for him it will be okay. Did I mention he F.I.T. yeah probably did. I think I’m going mad. I’m like talking to myself in my head really? I’m really going mad I’m losing it.

“Why are you going mad?” asked a sexy voice. “Did I say that out loud?” I asked “Yep” he said popping the p.

“well.” I started “I was just sort of talking to myself. In my head though” He laughed?

“Don’t laugh that’s mean” I pouted. “Sorry you just too cute but I do that to I’m sure everyone does” he assured me. “Anyway here’s your mocha and I got us a large cookie chocolate chip okay?” he asked

“My favourite” I told him “Thank you so much for this” I smiled at him “It’s okay Saph”

Agh now he’s using my nick name. Gah he is amaZAYN. Ha see what I did there Zayn ha yeah?  No, okay. Gosh. I thought it was funny. Maybe. No me either really its quite old now but still you at least laugh. Pssht so mean. Wait talking to myself AGAIN!

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Whoop chapter 14.

Not much to say apart from




Thank you

Mickie xx

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