is new love going to blossom?

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Chapter 13

Sapphire’s P.O.V

“Morning love” Louis said coming into the kitchen as if nothing ever happened yesterday. “What you talking about?”

“Her birthday it’s in a few days.” Harry told him. “Oh yeah what do you want to do? We could go clubbing or a house party.” Louis suggested

“Or we could just go out for dinner as I don’t want anything g big.” I said “Uh! So boring but fine whatever you want” Louis said.

“Thanks “I told them as I walked out the kitchen and heading upstairs. I planned to go out today have a stroll down to the park maybe.

After I got dressed I ran down stairs and shouted to the boys I was going out hopefully going to go without them stopping me but unfortunately nothing in my life seems to go to plan.

“Where you going?” Liam asked me. Seriously these boys are so nosy! “Park” I stated. A bit rude but I’m sure he’ll live.

“Ooh, you going looking for that boy” he said raising his eyebrows. “W-what n-n-no” I stuttered. Oops!

“Ah I see. He said winking. “Well just don’t be too late back” ha said smirking walking back to where ever the hell he is going.




I’ve been at the park now for half an hour and his not showed up. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be but I felt a connection. Okay we met yesterday and we didn’t even speak but we did smile but I had a dream about him last night and I can’t get him of my mind.

“Hello. Are you waiting for me?” a deep but sexy voice knocks me out of my daydream. I turn around to see him. My heart begins to race, my hands are all sweaty.

“Erm, I-I n-no I just c-came for-r” I stuttered.

“It’s okay. I came here to see you. May I take a seat?” he asked. Damn he was so hot. His short brown hair in little spikes, his bright and when I say bright I mean bright blue eyes staring into my blue orbs that are probably really dull against his and his white t-shirt clinging to his toned body. Damn he really is HOT!

“Erm thanks” he said blushing slightly. Shit did I say that out loud?

“Yep, yes you did and your eyes are gorgeous and you are extremely pretty” he told me and now it was my turn to blush. “Your look cute when you blush” he told me laughing.

“So what’s your name?” he asked “I’m Jake”

“I’m Sapphire” I told him quietly. “That’s such a pretty name” he said with a cheeky smile. “Thanks” I giggled.

A/N Oohh! So sapphire’s got a little friend.

So what do you think?

Do you have any ideas for a ship name?




Mickie xx

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