One: RoChu

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Ivan woke up from a night with his boyfriend to hear someone getting sick. They sounded like they were in great pain, and he noticed Yao was gone. He sat up, stretched and slipped on some sweatpants before walking over to the bathroom door. The wood was smooth under his hand as he knocked, before trying the knob. That turned up to it being locked.

"Are you alright in there?" He asks, voice a bit loud to heard through the cherry oak wood that kept him out of the way. He could hear someone rustling around before the lock slid out of place. Yao looked out after pulling the door open, a toothbrush shoved between his lips as he sagged on the oak panels that held to door hinges.

"No," China swallowed thickly around a bundle of mucus in his throat after spitting toothpaste into the sink, "I am not okay aru." He looked up at Russia with big honey colored eyes that could be mistaken as those of a tiger. Taking in Yao's full appearance, Ivan would have normally done a double take.

The personified country of China looked like he had been starved for a week, his face pale and he looked, generally speaking, all around unhealthy. Yao would never let himself dwindle that much, let alone become sick. "There must be something I can do, da?"

"Could you get Xiao and Kiku, please éguo?" His plea was almost immediately answered, Ivan striding to the door but stopping to turn a moment. Yao was leaning in the bathroom doorway, his eyes slipped shut and adding to the sickness's effect on him. The Russian thought a moment, trying to figure where they would be this early in the morning. As a shot in the dark, Ivan jogged to Kiku's room and knocked on the door quickly.

The small Japanese man called for him to enter, and Russia found Taiwan sitting beside Japan with a manga manuscript between them.

"What is it, Ivan?" Kiku asked, placing the papers down in a neat stack as he stood. He wore a pair of loose black pants, his white jacket unbuttoned and hanging from his shoulders.

"Yao wanted to see you, da. He doesn't look too good." Japan helps Taiwan to her feet, following Ivan to the sickly Chinese man. He had barely moved from his spot by the door, but he did sit between the sink and toilet. Xiao rushed to his side, becoming worried and all too frantic for Ivan's liking. Japan kept his cool as he kneeled beside his life long friend, shooting Russia a glance as he turned to shut the door between them.

Ivan, being blocked out and left to his thoughts, paced the length and width of the bedroom a good hundred times. He was wondering what was wrong, if there was an outbreak or something else. Never leave him alone to his thoughts is all anyone can say about him. Bad things happen inside his head.

Xiao Mei is the first one to step out, her hair tangled from her fingers running through it constantly. She had a worried, confused, and unsure look clinging to her features, and she lets some air out as she walks towards Ivan slowly. Her body clearly told that she was scared to say what needed to be said, but she did anyway after a moment.

"Is he alright?" Ivan asked, wringing his hands as he waited for her reply.

"You might want to sit down." He did as she wished, sitting on the edge of the bed that had the sheets pooling near the foot of the bed.

"This will sound really weird, but your boyfriend is..." She tripped over her words a moment before finally just sighing and coming out with it. "He's pregnant."

If he had been drinking, Ivan would have done a spit take. At that almost exact moment, Kiku stepped out while he coaxed Yao into following. The Chinese national steps one foot out, looking at Ivan as he came into view.

"This is a prank, da?" He was trying to keep his disbelief in control, but it didn't work too well. It clouded his eyes, and Yao winced a bit.

"Meî you, it's not, aru." He tugged on his hair, which was in its normal ponytail before looking at Japan. The smaller man steps in, metaphorical speaking, and begins to explain how their bosses and countries come into play.

The Taiwanese girl takes Japan's arm, tugging him out after his explanation to give the two partners their space.

As soon as the door closes, Ivan is on his feet and moving towards the smaller Chinese man. He didn't look angry, but the last thing Yao expected was to be pulled into a bone crushing hug.

That broke his walls, and he cried into the Russian's shoulder with cracked sobs.

"I'm sorry aru, I didn't think this would happen." He sobbed, clutching his lover tightly. Ivan rubbed a hand over his back, letting him cry.

"It's alright, lyubit," Yao felt soft lips on his cheek and a thumb on his jaw to brush away the dripping tears, "having a little one running around will be a change for the good, da?"

China smiles, scrubbing his tears away as he presses a quick kiss to Ivan's lips. "Shî, éguo. Shî." (Yes, Russia. Yes.)

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