Felix Kjellberg (Pewdiepie)

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* Aka Pewdiepie *

You were a well known YouTuber in the community and your specialty was gaming. You had already made collabs with Markiplier and Jacksepticeye, but now you were about to make a collab with the most subscribed person on YouTube. Felix Kjellberg, otherwise known as Pewdiepie. You were really excited to meet both him and Marzia. They were going to be staying at your house for a few days for the collabs, and also because they wanted to explore the area you lived in. You were just on your way to go pick them up from the airport.

You decided that you would vlog your airport adventures, so as soon as you turned your camera on, you started to record your newest video.

"Hey guys! How's everyone doing today? My name is (Y/YT/N) and today I have decided to record myself going to the airport to pick up some friends. I bet you're all dying to know who they are. You'll find out shortly, or if your watching this afterwards, oh well! Anyways, let's get going!"

You made your way outside, locked your front door and headed to your car. You addressed the camera again.

"Okay, since I'm going to be driving and I don't want to get into an accident, I'll see you guys when I get to the airport!" You exclaimed, then hit the button to stop recording, got into your car and headed to the airport.

When you got there, you parked your car and headed over to the correct gate you were supposed to meet them at. You turned your camera back on.

"Okay, so I just got to the airport! I'm just going to go check what time their flight is, so, let's go!" You said while heading over to the flight board, all the while still filming.

You were looking at the flights to see what time their flight would land when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around with your camera in hands.

"Excuse me, but are you (Y/n) (L/n) aka (Y/YT/N)?" A girl around her early teens asked you.

"Huh, oh, yeah, that's me!" You replied cheerfully. "What can I do for you?"

"Could I, um, could I please get a picture?" The girl asked shyly while avoiding your gaze.

"Sure thing!" You said while giving the girl a big smile. "What's your name?"

"It's Jasmine." She said while pulling out her phone. You both smiled for the first picture, and for the second picture, you gave her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed deeply while stuttering out a thank you.

"Hey, before you go, can I take a picture with you for my vlog?" You asked her.

Her eyes went wide while she frantically nodded her head yes. You brought the camera in front of the two of you.

"So guys, this is Jasmine! I met her at the airport, she's really cool." You say smoothly to the camera.

"H-Hi" Jasmine stutters out. You give her a big hug and she runs off after thanking you again.

You chuckled while thinking that she was really cute. You turned to your camera.

"It literally makes my day when I see you guys in person. It lets me feel like I've done something good to know that you like me and that I make your day better. Thank you guys, you really mean a lot to me. I love youuuu!!!!!" You finish while dragging out the 'you'.

You then check their flight time and see that they just landed, so you give yourself about 30 minutes before they come through the gate because they still need to go through customs and get their luggage. You notice a Starbucks behind you and decide to get yourself and them a drink.

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