Brendon Urie Part 2

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You managed to keep the tears at bay until you reached the parking lot. Then, all hell broke loose. You could hear your friend calling your name, but you just kept walking. They lost you in the crowd.

You walked over to one of the huge trees just beside the parking lot and began climbing it. You needed some time to be alone. To be alone and think.

You could still hear your friend calling your name, but they gave up after a while. They could sense you needed to be alone so they just decided to text you. You were an adult and could take care of yourself, besides, you knew karate.

1 New Message From (y/b/f/f): Hey (y/n). I know you probably want to be alone right now, so I'll let you take all the time you need. You know where to find me when you're ready. Love you lots. Hope everything will be okay. :* xoxo

You read the message and relaxed a little bit. Your friend knew you so well. At least now you didn't need to worry about them searching for you. You decided to text them back to let them know you'd be okay in a little bit.

You: Hey, thanks for understanding. Have fun with Brendon without me. I'll be there after I think some things over. I promise I'll be okay. :) xoxo

You sent them the message and put your phone away. You looked up out at the parking lot where people were still going to their cars and leaving the venue. Silent tears making their way down your face. You looked up at the stars and sighed.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" You heard a voice say from below you.

You flinched and looked down. To say you were surprised to see who was standing there would be an understatement.

"What do you want?" You asked him sourly. You sniffled.

His heart tightened when he heard you sob.

"I just came to talk." Brendon said.

"Yeah, well, haven't you said enough?" You glared down at him.

"I haven't even said anything yet." He replied.

"Exactly," you spat, "you seem to be really good at that."

He just stared at you with sadness in his eyes. It pained him to see you like this. Knowing that he was the cause of your sadness only made it worse.

"Please, (Y/n), just let me explain." He begged. You just stared at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I-I," he didn't know where to start, all he managed to get out was, "I'm sorry."

It was silent for a few moments before you spoke.

"Sorry. You're sorry?" You almost started laughing. "You're sorry? For what, Brendon?" You had now dropped down from the low hanging branch you were sitting on and were standing right in front of him. "Sorry for leaving with out saying good-bye? Sorry for never answering my calls? Sorry for never texting, writing or calling me back? Sorry for never visiting? Sorry for breaking my heart? Sorry for making me fall in love with you? After all this time, all you have to say to me is 'I'm sorry'? Well I'm sorry too. Sorry I ever fell in love with you. I'm sorry I even came today, but I did because it was my best friends birthday, because I actually care about other people's happiness. I care about their feelings. And I'm sorry that after all this time I'm still not over you. I mean, how could I be, I loved you. I loved you with all my heart and you just threw it all away. So, yes, I am sorry. Sorry that I'm still in love with you."

By this point, fresh tears had started pouring down your face. You both stood there in silence as he let your words sink in. He knew what a terrible mistake he made when he left without saying good-bye. He knew he broke your heart.

The silence had become too much for you so you turned around and started to walk away when you were gently grabbed on the wrist.

"Wait," Brendon said weakly. You turned around and saw his broken expression. "I know I hurt you. I know I broke your heart. I know you'll probably never forgive me, but just hear me out, please." When you didn't say anything, he took that as his cue to continue, "I left without saying good-bye because I was scared. Scared and stupid. I thought that if I cut all ties with you, then it would be easier for you to forget me and move on. I didn't think that this record deal would work out and I thought I would be able to...I don't know what I was thinking. I never stopped thinking about you though. Every day, I would always catch myself thinking of you, your laugh, your smile, everything about you. After a few years, I wanted to visit you, but I thought you wouldn't want to see me again after what I had done to you. I thought that you would have forgotten all about me and found someone new. So I stayed away, and I have never regretted anything more in my life. I'm so sorry (Y/n). So, so sorry. And when I saw you today, I knew it had to be a sign. A sign to try and talk to you. To see if you still had feelings for me like I have for you. To see if we could start over, or at least be friends again because I miss you (Y/n). God damn I miss you so much. I still love you, and I know me saying this won't make things right between us, but please, please just let me make this up to you. Just give me another chance."

He looked at you with tears in his eyes. You were too stunned to say anything.

"I understand if you never want to see me again, heck, I wouldn't want to see me again after this. I just wanted you to know, I have never stopped loving you." He told you as you locked eyes. Yours full of pain and sadness, his full of sadness and love.

Your heart was pounding in your chest, and your head hurt. You knew what you wanted to do, but you didn't at the same time. He slowly released your hand that he realized he was holding and a small blush rose up your cheeks. You both didn't say anything for a few minutes. Everything you needed to say was already painted on your tear stained face. You took a few small steps closer to him, and he took a few towards you until there was only a small space between you two.

His eyes flickered down to your lips and you subconsciously licked them. He put his hands on your waist and you put yours on his shoulders. You both started leaning in.

Your lips met in a slow, passionate kiss that seemed to last forever. You both pulled away for air, and he rested his forehead on yours. You both stared lovingly into each other's eyes.

"I missed this," he spoke softly as a small smile found its way to his lips.

"Me too." You replied as you smiled back at him.

You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest. You heard him sigh in content while tightening his hold on you. He never wanted to let you go again.

Next Imagine: Josh Dun :)

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