Gerard Way

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Your birthday was coming up soon and you had begged your parents to get you concert tickets to your favourite band. The concert was on the day of your birthday, but your parents didn't seem like they were going to get you the tickets so you were really sad. It was Friday morning, the morning of your birthday and you were just laying in bed feeling down when your parents burst through your door.

"Happy birthday, sweetie!!" Your mom exclaims as you sit up in bed. She pulls your curtains open and you squint at the light that is now streaming through the window. She comes over and gives you a big hug as your dad sits down at the end of your bed holding what you think is your birthday present.

"Happy birthday (Y/n)," your father says while handing you a small gift bag, "we hope you like it."

"Thanks dad," you say as you take the bag from him. You open the card first. Inside is a small birthday message from your parents;

Happy Birthday (Y/n),
We know how much you wanted to go see (Y/fav/band), so we got you a little something. We hope you like it!
Love always, Mom and Dad
Xoxo <3

They were both staring at you expectantly with smiles on their faces as you tore the bag apart and at the bottom of the bag was one front row ticket to (Y/fav/band). A huge smile spread across your face and you let out a squeal of excitement.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" You excitedly exclaim to them while giving them each a big hug and kiss. "This is the best gift ever!"

"We're glad you like it." Your father says. You nod your head rapidly as they both stand up. "Whenever your ready to come downstairs there will be pancakes waiting for you."

They both exit your room. You can't stop smiling as you get out of bed and go to take a shower. Once you're done you get dressed in black leggings, and a (Y/fav/band) shirt. Hey, you are going to their concert, you might as well wear their merch. You make your bed then head downstairs for breakfast. You'd finish getting ready after you ate.

"Thanks for the pancakes, dad." You said as you finished your last bites of food.

"No problem," he replies while taking your plate.

You head back upstairs to finish getting ready for the day. You brush your teeth and comb your wet hair which you've decided to let air dry. You put on your watch and bracelets. You apply a simple foundation, blush, eyeliner and mascara and decide you're ready to face the day with a smile.

You head back downstairs, grab your phone and purse, put your combat boots on and head out the door.

"Bye Mom! Bye Dad! See you later! Love you! Thanks again!" You yell as you close the door behind you. You walk to your car and get in. You pop in (Y/fav/band)'s cd and sing along to it all the way downtown where the concert will be. You decided that you wanted to head down early and just hang around the city until it was closer to the time you had to be at the venue. It was about 11:45 when you entered the city and you had to be at the venue for 4:30-5ish so you had plenty of time to explore the city.  You parked your car a few blocks from the venue for easy access afterwards.

Just then, your phone dinged. You weren't paying attention as you walked down the street because you were looking for your phone when you feel yourself collide with something firm, and the next thing you know, you're on the ground.

"I'm so sorry!" You begin to say as you get up, dusting yourself off, "I wasn't looking where I was going-" you trailed off when you looked up and met a pair of gorgeous hazel eyes.

"No, no, it was my fault, I bumped into you and caused you to fall. By the way, are you okay?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah." You cleared your throat, "Sorry, again."

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