Andy Biersack

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It was the first month of school and you were already feeling the stress of it weighing down on your shoulders. It didn't help that you had a test in 12 hours that you really needed to study for. Science. Chemistry to be exact. It was one of your hardest subjects you had taken this semester and you really wanted to get a good mark in the first test and make a good impression on your teacher. It didn't help that you didn't understand half the things you needed to know.

You were home alone in your room studying. Your boyfriend Andy was at the studio currently recording his new album. He should be back soon.

Just then you heard the door open and the sound of shoes being taken off.

"(Y/n)? Are you there?" You heard Andy shout.

"I'm in the bedroom!" You call back.

You heard the stairs creak and footsteps coming up them. Soon Andy was staring at you, hunched over your desk, from the doorway.

"What are you up to, babe?" He asks.

"Studying for my chemistry test that I have tomorrow. I don't understand anything! There's too many concepts to memorize! I can't do this!" You started to freak out. "How am I supposed to know this by tomorrow! This is so hard!"

By now, Andy had made his way over to you and was kneeling in front of you.

"Hey, hey. It's okay." He said while wiping your eyes. You hadn't realized you'd started crying. "I'll help you. Now, what do you not understand?" He asks you while pulling up another chair to sit beside you.

"All of it." You state while pouting.

"Okay, well let's start with the periodic table. Each column has a different name for each family group. The first column is known as the alkali metals, the second column is known as the alkaline earth metals, and so on." He explains.

"I get that, and I also get that each element has either a positive or negative charge depending on where they sit on the table. Like Hydrogen is -1, Helium is stable, Fluorine has +1 charge, and how each element bonds with another to become stable." You told him.

"Exactly! See, you do know this!" He said.

"I guess so, but only the basics." You reply sadly.

"Okay, on to the different types of bonding." He declares.

You had been working with Andy for about 2 hours now and you were getting quite tired. All you wanted to do was curl up on the couch with Andy and watch a movie. You even started zoning out while he was trying to explain things to you. You were just day dreaming of a nice, hot bath when Andy snapped you out of it.

"(Y/n), (Y/n)?" Andy called your name while snapping his fingers in front of your face.

"Sorry, what was that?" You ask, your mind still on that hot bath.

"You zoned out for a bit, are you okay?" He asks you.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired. I think I understand everything now. Can we just go watch a movie and cuddle?" You ask hopefully while smiling. He just raises an eyebrow.

"We're almost done. We just have one more thing to cover then I promise we can watch a movie." He told you. "Besides, I like spending time helping you study, it allows me to spend more time with you. Plus, you look really cute in your glasses." He said while giving your nose a peck. You blush, you never really liked to wear your glasses. You only had to wear them when you studied and took notes.

Another hour passed and Andy had finished helping you study for your chemistry test.

"Okay, that should be it." He told you.

"YAY!" You exclaim while jumping up. "I actually understand everything now! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" You said while tackling him in a big hug and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Anytime cutie." He answers while giving you a cheeky smile.

You put all your books, study notes and glasses away and went downstairs with Andy.

"Can we watch a movie now?" You ask him.

"Of course! What would you like to watch?" He replies, you just shrug. "How about Harry Potter?"

"Sure!" You answer as you head into the kitchen to get some snacks while he puts The Prisoner of Azkaban in the DVD player. He was already waiting on the couch for you when you entered the living room.

You plop down beside him and he presses play.

About halfway through the movie, you could feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier until they eventually close.

The movie ended and Andy noticed that you had fallen asleep, so he carried you up to bed and tucked you in.

"Goodnight my little scientist, sleep well." He whispers while kissing your forehead.

He went back downstairs, put everything away and then joins you in bed.

The next morning you woke up and glance at the clock, 7:12 am. Your eyes popped open and you flung yourself out of bed. Shit! I'm going to be late! You thought to yourself as you got ready. You quickly hopped into the shower, dry off, get dressed and brush your hair and teeth. Andy was still passed out on the bed. Man he was a deep sleeper, you swore not even an elephant marching through the house could wake him up.

You quickly ran downstairs, grabbed a bagel and ran out the door to your car.

You managed to get to school on time and not be late. You took the test feeling pretty good about yourself. You even managed to finish it with time to spare.

"I will have these marked by the end of the day if you want to come get your mark." Your teacher informed your class just as the bell rang.

The rest of your day went by slowly in agony. You really wanted to know what you got on your test, it was stressing you out, badly. So, when the final bell rang, you marched straight to your chemistry class and got your test back from your teacher.

"Congratulations (Y/n)," your teacher said. "You got one of the highest marks in the class."

OMG!! Really! You couldn't believe what your teacher just said. You started internally freaking out while on the outside, you just smiled. You couldn't wait to go home and show Andy.

You grabbed your test, then raced to your car. You made it home in record time and burst through the door. Andy was chilling on the couch watching tv.

"ANDYYY!!!!!!" You yelled while jumping on top of him, test in hand. "Guess what!!"

"What?" He said smiling at you, already clueing in on what could have got you so excited.

"Look!" You said while shoving the chemistry test in his face. A great big 97% was marked in red at the top. His smile grew even bigger. "And my teacher said I got one of the highest marks in the class!" You told him excitedly.

"That's great!! I knew you had it in you!" He said while wrapping his arms around you in a big hug. You hugged him back.

"Thank you for helping me. I couldn't have done it without you." You told him.

"I'll always help you when you want it (Y/n)." He replies. "I love you."

"I love you, too." You told him while giving him a kiss. You couldn't wait for your next test.


I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry it took me forever to update this. I just got so busy with school starting and family things that I didn't have the time to write, or feel like writing for that matter. I hope you liked it! Love you guys <3

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