Sherlock Holmes

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You'd been assigned a case with the Sherlock Holmes. If you were to be completely honest, you were both very excited yet nervous to work with him. You'd heard all about his reputation and what he's like in person and you didn't think you could handle that. You thought he was full of himself and treated others who he deemed 'stupid' like trash, which was half true. You were like him in some ways, smart, you could read people and tell what they were feeling, but you couldn't deduce like he could, at least, that's what you wanted people to think. In all honesty, you were quite similar, but you had much better mannerisms then him. So people tended to choose you to work with over him. He didn't like that very much, he thought you were some stuck up prude who thought you were better than every one else. Oh how wrong you both were.

You both arrived at the crime scene around the same time, but you were a few minutes late because of traffic. You drove a 1967 black Chevy Impala. Yes, in London.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Sherlock stated.

You rolled your eyes at him, "Sorry, there was traffic." You replied sassily.

He remained silent, just observing you, you knew what he was doing, he was trying to deduce you. You took this opportunity to observe him too, and you couldn't believe what you found out. You could see he was having a bit of trouble trying to deduce you, good, you thought, I've always been able to hide things well. You decided that you'd have some fun with Mr. Sherlock Holmes and show him what he wants to see. As soon as you did that, you saw his eyes click. He was buying it.

"So, who is this?" A short man said coming to stand beside Sherlock.

"(Y/n) (Y/l/n), who I've been forced to work with on this case." He replied shortly. A look of understanding came across the short mans face.

"Oh, (Y/n)! I've heard of you! You're the one that figured out all of the Yorkford murders!" He exclaimed.

"That's only because I didn't look at the files first." You heard Sherlock say bitterly.

"Oh don't mind him, I'm John by the way." The short one, John, said.

"It's nice to meet you John, at least one of you is a decent human being." You said as you glared at Sherlock. He glared right back and you notice something else in him, something deep down that he tried very hard to conceal.

"Shall we then?" You asked.

"Oh please, after you." Sherlock said while motioning to the dead corpse on the grass laying a few feet away. "Do share what you find with the class." He glared at you, almost as if he was challenging you to do better than him. Well Mr. Holmes, you thought, challenge accepted.

"Ok, let's see here," you mumbled more to yourself than anyone else. "Female, obviously. Late 20's, business woman, worked in an office building typing away at a desk all day as you can see from the wrinkles in her skirt, blazer and blouse, as well as her fingernails being done professionally, but with slight chipping along the tips which indicates she spends more time typing at a keyboard then anything else. Hair is out of place of her usual office bun, indicating the attacker grabbed her by the back of the head and slammed her on the ground, also indicated by the rips in her clothing especially her stockings, which means that her knees took most of the impact. Oh look, dried blood. Slight smell of chlorine on her clothes suggest she was recently at a vicinity with a pool, also the slight stains on the back of her stockings from walking through chlorinated water. She died due to a small injection through the back of the neck from a syringe, possibly anti-freeze or an insane amount of adrenaline causing the heart to seize and stop all together. She also had pizza for lunch and has a small dog and cat. Did I miss anything?" You finished while turning around with a smirk to face the two boys. You noticed all eyes on you now.

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