Team Free Will

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You were out hunting a wendigo. You were following its tracks to its layer when you heard voices, three to be exact. They seemed to be arguing about something, but you couldn't quite catch what it was.

All of a sudden, a twig snapped to your left and you stood completely still. You whipped your head around and came face to face with a squirrel. You breathed a sigh of relief, you were fairly close to the wendigos layer so you were thanking your lucky stars that that wasn't it.

You couldn't hear the arguing anymore so you just assumed those hikers moved on, hopefully the wendigo didn't catch them. Three more asses to save on top of the two you were already looking for.

You were a well know hunter among the community and you grew up with the Harvelle's. After a while, you moved out, once you turned 21, but it's been a few year since you saw them.

You finally reached the opening of the wendigo's cave. You took out your flashlight and entered very cautiously. You reached a very open part of the cave and came across the two missing people you were looking for, but there were two more men strung up too. You quickly checked to see if the two you originally came for were alive, sadly one was not, so you quickly cut the other one down. She started whimpering once she felt movement on her ropes, but you quietly reassured her that everything would be ok. You quickly found out that the two men were alive. You shook them to wake them up, then cut their ropes.

"Thanks." Said the tall one with long hair, who gave you a half smile.

"I could have handled it." The shorter one said, just as you got out your flair gun.

You rolled your eyes at him, then quietly said, "Look, I need you to stay calm right now, but there is a wendigo after us, it's a monster, long story, no time to explain. So I need you two to get yourselves and her, out of here, don't worry about help, I'll be fine just wait for me at the entrance."

"How do you know what a wendigo is?" The shorter one snapped, "Are you a hunter?"

"Born and raised, wait, how do you know what a hunter is?" You replied.

"Uh, guys..." The tall one said. There was a low growling noise that was growing louder every minute. You heard it too.

"Not now Sammy. I'm trying to find out who she is!" The shorter one said. The growling stopped.
Huh, so the tall one's name is Sammy. You thought to yourself just as you saw a black shape dart behind shorty.

"Duck!!" You yelled. Luckily "Sammy" noticed your eyes flicker behind them and pushed them both down to see you raise your flair gun and shoot it right into the heart of the wendigo that was sneaking up behind them. It went down in flames.

You smirked to yourself, "Nice reflexes there, Moose." You said to the tall one.

"I could say the same to you, uh,"

"(Y/n)." You said while giving him a smile which he returned.

"Well, I'm Sam, and this is my brother, Dean."

You helped the girl up and supported her to the entrance of the cave with the two brothers trailing behind. You could here them arguing over something. Their voices were the same ones you had heard earlier, but wasn't there a third one? You finally reached the parking lot and you noticed a black '67 Chevy Impala parked close to yours. Nice car.

"Thanks for saving our lives (Y/n), we would have been goners." Sam said.

"Yeah, thanks." Dean shortly replied.

You gave them a small smile as you helped the girl into your car.

"Anytime," You replied, "Hey, by the way, weren't there three of you earlier?"

"Huh, what?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, I heard you guys arguing with someone earlier." You said while fixing your hair.

"Oh, yeah, there was, Cas." Sam said.

"Hello Dean." A new voice said from behind you causing you to spin on your heals to face the new stranger.

"Jesus Cas, don't sneak up on us like that! Plus, I thought you had angel business to attend too?." Dean replied. "Besides, we could have used your help 20 minutes ago when we were trapped."

"They seemed to have handled it just fine." Cas replied tilting his head to the side and blinking a few times.

"Yeah, but still Cas, we needed you, and you just left." Dean spoke softly, yet firmly.

"Awkward..." You said to Sam. He just chuckled in response as Cas and Dean continued to bicker. "Do they always act like an old married couple?" You whispered to Sam.

"I think that's how they show their affection to one another." He replied back. This caused you to burst out laughing.

"Alright, I really should go, it was nice meeting you, but I need to take her," you said while pointing a finger at the sleeping girl in the front seat of your car, "to the hospital. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, thanks again (Y/n). See you later!" Sam replied as you got into your car. You started your car and drove away from the three men. You saw Sam and Cas waving at you in your rearview mirror, and Dean stood there with his arms crossed. Man was that a wild hunt.

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