Sherlock Holmes Part 2

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Sherlock, John and you all climbed into your car.

"Now, where could Moriarty be?" John asked.

"Simple, he's-" you started.

"At the community centre! Now drive!" Sherlock cut you off.

You started your car and drove as fast as you could to the nearest community centre where Moriarty would be. It took you 8 minutes to get there.

"We're here, now we need a plan of action." Sherlock informed you.

"Actually, no we don't, just follow my lead. Oh, and John, please wait in the car and wait for Lestrade and backup, we both don't want you getting involved in this." You said.

Both Sherlock and you got out of the car and walked to the entrance. The community centre was closed today, so of course it would be locked. You quickly kicked in the door, it wasn't that difficult.

"I did not know you could do that (Y/n)." Sherlock exclaimed.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me Sherly." You replied.

You both entered and made your way to the pool area. Again you kicked in the door. You entered first with Sherlock trailing behind. You saw Moriarty sitting in the lifeguard's seat that sat directly in front of you two.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up." Jim said, watching the two of you like a hawk observing its prey. "Although I don't understand why he's here." He stood, now glaring at Sherlock. "You aren't supposed to be a part of this yet."

"Well, he is, so get used to it." You replied sassily.

"Still have that fire in you, eh (Y/n)? You know I've always loved that about you, cute, yet feisty." He said while smirking. You just rolled your eyes as he hopped down from the stand. You both stared at each other, well, you more like glared at him while he looked at you with lust filled eyes.

"There's a lot of tension between the two of you, why?" You heard Sherlock ask.

"He still hasn't figured it out yet?" He asked you, you just glared at him. "Pity, I'm surprised the great Sherlock Holmes can't solve this mystery. How about you Darling, care to tell Mr. Holmes about us?"

Now the both of them were staring at you. You weren't going to give into Moriarty that easily though.

"Why did you kill that woman?" You asked him.

"Oh no dear, you're not changing the subject that easily." Jim said while narrowing his eyes at you. "Go ahead and tell him."

"Tell me what (Y/n)?" Sherlock asked, his mind still not grasping the obvious concept.

You just stayed silent and tense. You were glaring daggers at Moriarty.

"No so much of a talker now, are we (Y/n)?" He chuckled. "Well you see dearest Sherlock, (Y/n) and I go way back, in fact we were very, very, close. You could probably have called us lovers." Moriarty finished. Sherlock looked at you in surprise, while you just looked down.

"What?" Asked Sherlock.

"Yeah, we were, before you became a psychopathic, murdering, git, you ass." You retort.

"Name calling, really dear? I'm offended!" He said, mocking offence. "I clearly remember you saying 'I love you Jim, please don't ever leave me! Always and forever, right?'" He finished in a mock imitation of your voice. All the while, Sherlock was looking back and forth between the two of you, trying to figure out if Moriarty's last statement was true.

"Oh, and Darling, I'm still waiting for that answer." Jim said while pulling out a diamond ring.

Your heart stopped. He still has it.

You could have sworn you saw Sherlock's jaw drop to the floor.

You stared with cold eyes at Moriarty. "I have already told you, I don't want your stupid ring! No! I will not marry you! You're crazy to think that I'd want to spend the rest of my life with a psychotic, murderer that kills people for fun!" You yelled at him.

His expression turned dark, stone cold. You knew what was coming, you were waiting for it. He did the same thing the first two times you had rejected him, but this time, there was something even more sinister about it then the other times.

"Oh, sweetie, you have no idea what you have in store for yourself, or anyone else. I will stop at nothing to get you. You see, we made a promise, and I always, always keep my promises. I promised forever, and that's what you're going to get. I don't care if it takes weeks, months, or even years. I don't care how many people I have to exterminate to get to you, I will have you. We will always end up, here. And one day, one day, you will say yes because I will never give up. I would do anything for you, and you know how far I will go. Do not test me, you will be mine sooner or later." He stated darkly.

It probably would have been considered romantic given any other circumstances, just without all the 'I'll kill for you, etc, etc' but it was far from it. It was abusive and manipulative, and just overall
creepy. Why couldn't he just take no for an answer? The real answer, he had an obsession with you.

"I don't think so sweetie." You said mockingly as your lips turned up in a smirk.

Sherlock was silent the entire time, just observing the both of you and overall just not knowing what to do.

Just then, the police came bursting into the community centre.

"Put your hands up and get on the ground!" Someone shouted.

Moriarty did exactly that, and he let them hand cuff him too. He was forced up and they began walking them towards the exit, in your direction. When they reached you, he stopped and leaned to whisper something in your ear only you could hear. What he said wiped the smirk right off your face and made your heart stop. You stood frozen as he was forced out the door and into the squad car.

You manage to make it outside just as they were driving away. He gave you a final look and winked at you. You shuddered and turned away. Sherlock came running out of the building while John walked over to the two of you from where he was talking to some officers and Lestrade.

"What was that all about (Y/n)!?" Sherlock demanded once he reached you.

"Like I said, there's a lot you don't know about me Sherly." You said, then turned around and walked to your car. Sherlock had his thinking face on while John just looked confused.

"What happened in there?" John asks Sherlock.

"I'll tell you on the way back to the flat, but it looks like (Y/n) isn't all that she seems." Sherlock replied as he watched you speed off.

As you raced out of the lot, Moriarty's final words kept repeating over and over in your head.

I hope you like the gift. I did it just for you.

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