Steve Rogers

664 12 6

6 months.

It had been 6 whole months since he lost you. He couldn't take it anymore. The guilt was eating him alive. He kept getting flashbacks of your time together, some happy, some sad, but the one he kept getting was of that fateful day.


"C'mon Steve! Hurry up, we're going to be late!" You called over your shoulder for him.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" He yelled back coming around the corner to meet you at the front door.

"The reservations are at 7:00 and it's already, 6:45, I don't want to be late."

"Don't worry (Y/n), we'll be fine!" He assured you.

You managed to get to the restaurant on time and had a lovely dinner with Steve. You talked about your future, and just about everything in between.

After dinner was finished, you both went on a walk through the park near your house.

"(Y/n), I have something to tell you," Steve said while stoping under the big oak tree. "I've known you for a few years now, and you're one of my closest friends. I can always count on you to make me smile when I have a rough day, have my back when I need it, and always be there for me. I love our late night conversations, I love the way you look at the world. I love how you can always see the good in people, and how you laugh at the most inappropriate times, sometimes. I could list all the things that I love about you, but then I'd be here forever. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I love you, so much, (Y/n). Will you, (Y/n) (Y/l/n), do me the greatest honour of becoming my wife?"

He then got down on one knee and pulled out the most beautiful diamond ring with two (Birthstones) on either side of it.

You stood there shocked for a few seconds looking down at a very nervous, yet smiling Captain America. Suddenly there were tears in your eyes.

"Yes," it was barely a whisper, "Yes! A thousand times yes!" You said while jumping into his arms and kissing him passionately. He picked you up and spun you around, and once he placed you back down, he slipped the ring onto your finger.

"Now, let's go home." He said. You only nodded your head.

As you were walking home, you didn't notice the Hydra agents trailing you and watching your every move from the tops of the buildings.

You got back to your shared house and told Steve that you'd be right back. You were just going to go change. You changed into some comfortable pyjamas and as you were heading out into the hallway, you heard a thump behind you. Thinking it was just the cat, you continued your way towards the stairs.

Suddenly, you were grabbed from behind.

"Steve!!" You shouted. There was a sound of breaking glass, then loud thumps could be heard from downstairs. You were being pulled backwards into your bedroom.

"Who are you and what do you want with us?" You asked whoever was holding you hostage.

"Oh honey, your boyfriend is who we really want, you're just an extra." Said a man's voice behind you.

"(Y/n)!!" You heard Steve yell, as you heard him running up the stairs.

"Steve he's got me in the bed-" you were cut off when the man put his hand over your mouth.

"Shut up!" The man said.

Steve came barging into the room with his shield.

Suddenly you felt a gun being cocked at your head. Silent tears were rolling down your cheeks.

"One more step and she gets it." The man said.

"Hydra, I should have known." Steve said while frowning. "What do you want?"

"You, dead." The man replied. "But, I guess she'll have to do." He said while pressing the gun more firmly into your head. You let out a sob, you couldn't keep the tears silent anymore.

"Steve, please, help me." You sob. You could see the pain in his eyes from seeing you in this situation.

"Be quiet you, or I'll have to make you!" The man holding you said.

"Please, just let her go. She's not a part of this!" Steve begged.

The man pointed the gun towards Steve.

"Oh, but she is." He said while turning you around and shooting you in the stomach.

"NO!!!!!" Steve screamed. Things seemed to go in slow motion. He was filled with anger and hatred towards the man. He lunged at the man, but the man had already jumped out the window and was nowhere to be seen.

Steve quickly turned to you, laying on the floor, bleeding through your stomach. He picked up the phone and called an ambulance, then Fury, then Natasha. He told them what happened and Natasha said she was on her way.

He was by your side, helping you put pressure on the wound with bunched up towels.

"Am I going to die?" You whispered.

"Not today, baby, not today." Steve said while tears filled his eyes.

"I love you Steve, please remember that," you breathed, barely audible, "I love, you." You said as you took your final breath and closed your eyes forever.

He was staring at your unblinking face and still chest as tears ran down his cheeks.

"No, no, no, no, no! You can't be dead, you-you can't be." He barely got his final words out.
"(Y/n), please, wake up," he said while shaking you, "please." He collapsed on top of your dead body, sobbing violently.

Natasha was the first one there. She quickly ran upstairs to find Steve holding your lifeless body pressed against him while rocking back and forth. It brought a few tears to her eyes, you were one of her closest friends, and so is Steve, and seeing this broke her heart. She walked over and sat beside Steve and started rubbing comforting circles on his back. She put her arms around him, and he immediately hugged he back, crying into her shoulder.

"And you know what the worst part is?" He told Natasha, "We just got engaged!" He sobbed.

*Real Time*

He swore he'd get his revenge on the man that murdered you. He would avenge you. Every day, he has been working with The Avengers to find your killer, but the pain remains the same. They had all lost a dear friend of theirs, but Steve was the worst. He not only lost another one of his closest friends, but he had also lost his love, his life, his happiness, and so much more.

It had been 1 year since he lost you.

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