Brendon Urie

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Today. It was today.

You were dreading this day for months. Your best friend had gotten you both tickets to see Panic! at the Disco, and you didn't want to go, but since it was for your best friends birthday, you went with them to make them happy.

It's not that you didn't like Panic!'s music, you just didn't like Brendon Urie. You'd known him in high school and dated for a few years until he dumped you. And he still hasn't told you why. You loved him with all your heart, so when he dumped you so suddenly, for no apparent reason, then left town soon after, it hurt you. Badly.

It was around 11:00 o'clock in the morning when (Y/b/f/f) came to pick you up to go to the venue. It was an all day outdoor music festival so you didn't mind going earlier because there would be other acts on. Panic! was the final act of the day, so you planned to at least try to be in a somewhat decent mood when they came on. When he came on.

You grabbed your things and soon were out the door on your way to the festival. You arrived shortly after and were heading to the main stage when you bumped into your friend who had suddenly stopped walking.

"Oh my god, (Y/n). Is that, is that, OH MY GOD IT IS!" (Y/b/f/f) shrieked into your ear.

"Geesus (Y/b/f/f), calm down. Who are you talking abo-" You started saying to them when you spotted him, and he was walking towards the two of you. You froze on the spot and started mentally panicking, you weren't planning on talking to him, you didn't want to bring up old memories.

"Oh my god, he's coming this way! OMG! Does my hair look okay? Do I have anything in my teeth? (Y/n)!" They said quickly, then turned around to face you but you were no longer there. You had run off to the washrooms to avoid the possible awkward encounter with Brendon. When (Y/b/f/f) turned back around, they came face to face with Brendon who gave them a polite smile.

"Hi," he said.

"Hi! Oh my gosh, um, hi! I'm a really big fan of yours!" Your friend started rambling to him.

"I couldn't help but notice that you were standing with someone else a few minutes ago." Brendon told your friend.

"Oh, yeah, I was. (Y/n)." Your friend said and as soon as they said your name, Brendon took in a quick breath. So it was them. He thought to himself.

"I don't know where they've run off too, they're usually not like that." (Y/b/f/f) told Brendon.

You hadn't told (Y/b/f/f) about you and Brendon. In fact, you didn't really tell anyone about you and Brendon. Mainly because you didn't want to be reminded of the past and you were scared about how they would react when you told them that you'd dated Brendon Urie.

Your friend and him talked for a bit until Brendon asked, "So, what are you and your friends favourite Panic! songs?"

"Wow, um, that's hard. I like a lot of your songs, like most of your first album, and a few others. I don't really have just one favourite, but (Y/n)? Oh, their favourite songs are (Y/fav/songs), but I'd have to say that her absolute favourites, off the most recent album at least, are This is Gospel the piano version, and Nicotine." (Y/b/f/f) told Brendon. He just nodded in thought.

"Well, anyways, I have to go get ready for the show, but afterwards, if you two want to come hang out backstage, you're more than welcome too!" Brendon told (Y/b/f/f), "just tell security your names and you should be allowed backstage and given passes. I'll see you later." He finished with a smile while your best friend just nodded excitedly with the biggest grin on their face.

Soon after he left, you reappeared at your friends side.

"Oh thank god, I thought he'd never leave!" You said startling your awestruck friend. "What did he want?" You asked, referring to Brendon.

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