Chapter 16- Trusted?

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Evie POV

We decided to talk on a nearby old picnic table. Ben Chad and Lonnie brought their horse and tied them to a nearby tree. All of a sudden, I saw a rat poke out of Lonnie's pocket.

"AAH! RAT!" I yelled out. Everyone freaked, mostly me, Audrey and Jane. But Lonnie and Carlos just sat there. She took out the rat and... Petted it?

"This is Mushu, my pet." Lonnie said, smiling as Mushu bit on a price of wood.

We calmed down, as we sat back down.

"Now, what do you want to talk about?" Chad asked, sounding upset.

"We need to explain, about what happened before all of this." I explained. They looked confused.

"It all started 20 years ago, when Adam became king and banished all the villains to and island, the Isle of the Lost. Auradon before was nothing like it is now." Mal explained.

I said the next part. "After 20 years, Ben was going to crowned king. His first proclamation was to give the children of villains a second chance." Everyone looked at Ben.

Jay said the next part. "Maleficent wanted us to steal the Fairy Godmother's wand. It didn't work out the first time. We stayed in Auradon, until Ben's Coronation."

Carlos said the next part. "Over time we made friends, Lonnie, Jane, and Doug. Princess Audrey and Prince Chad didn't completely trust us " Everyone looked at each other.

Mal spoke again. "On the biggest day in Auradon history, my mother crashed the party. She took the wand and created all of this."


We were quiet for a moment, then Ben spoke. "What are you talking about, we aren't royalty. We are just peasants, who serve the Great Queen of Auradon."

"You have to trust us." Jay spoke out.

"Why would we trust you!?" Chad yelled out.

"Have we ever talked to before today?" I said back.

They were quiet. "Exactly"

"So what, it does not mean you are telling the truth" He finally said back

"Can you at least trust us. We trust you." Carlos said, trying to stop our small argument.

They looked at each other, with an unsure look, but nodded.


A/N:  But do they fully Trust the Descendants of the Villaons of Auradon?

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