Chapter 4- Finding Doug and Lonnie

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Evie POV

Mal, Jay and I walked to the main city. The city looked so much like the Isle. There were small stands on the side and tall building of what looks like a major business. I looked around and notice that most of the citizens looking at us. We than decided to split up and meet back in front of the city.

I walked around and wondered where Doug and Lonnie could be. I saw one of the stores with amazing jackets.
Wait, I need to focus, I can do all of this later.

I heard someone running behind me. I turned and saw a boy with broken glasses running toward me. I guess he wasn't paying attention because he bumped into me. He falls on top of me and we tumble a few more feet.

I made a small groan as I landed harshly on the ground. I took a small look at the him, who was picking up his glasses. I suppose he didn't notice me, but when he turned his face was covered in ashes and his glasses were a bit broken. When he saw me, he quickly helped me up.

"Oh gosh. I am so sorry, Princess Evie, I just wasn't looking where I was going." he said while bowing. I took a closer look at him and,... said one thing.

"Doug?" I asked. "Wait a minute, did you just say 'Princess'?" I am so confused of what's happening.

"Yes, my name is Doug. And yes I said 'Princess' because you are one, ... Princess" He answered

"I am?"

"Only the fairest princess in the land." Wow, I can't believe it. I am an official princess in Auradon. Than I remembered about the plan.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" I asked. This might not be easy to ask. From the moment I knew it was Doug, I wanted to hug him.

"Yes, you may, your majesty."

"Do you you remember anything, suppose earlier today or so?"

"Well, just now, I was cleaning the ballroom chimney of Maleficent's castle. I than accidently fell in and caused dust to get everywhere, while another maiden was cleaning it, with one standing by. Maleficent then came in, asking what happened, I which I answered that I fell. I also notice a curtain on the floor and said that I cause her and her companion to drop the curtain. She than commanded me to leave, and so I did. I ran out of the castle, then ran here, and finally running into you. And we started having a conversation." Doug explained.

"Do you know who the maiden was?"

"I believe she goes by the name of Audrey, and the maiden with her was her mother."

"Thank you so much. Last question, do you know who Lonnie is? If so, where does she live? Also where do you live?"

"First off, that is three questions. And secondly, yes I know of her, she lived in the edge of the city in a barn. And I live near the mine in the city."

"Thanks" I than left him, off to the edge of the city. I looked back, seeing Doug looking back at me. I blushed, hoping he doesn't notice.

I finally reached the edge of the city. While I was walking, I noticed other former heroes and heroines, along with the villains and their children causing some mischief. I saw Freddy Faciliar stealing some gold, and Harriet Hook and her crew chasing the daughter of Rapunzel.

As I got closer to the barn, I noticed the fields looking dry. When I reached the it, I started thinking of how much things have changed, and how the rich became the poor. I than thought of Doug, who helped me realize that I'm more than just a pretty face.

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