Chapter 18- Nightmares

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Lonnie POV

I fell asleep. I was the best sleep, I had in years, but the dream wasn't.

I was in a room, it dark and cold. I couldn't see anything, when all of a sudden lights flashed on. My eyes adjusted and I saw my mother. She was in front of me,... behind bars?

"Oh Lonnie, why?" She said sounding disappointed.

What- What is she talking about? I was confused. 'Why' what?

"Why did you fight back? You know you're not allowed to."

Wait, I fought back. Who? I remained silent.

"Hey." One of her soldiers came up to my mother. "Your time is up."

It all clicked. I'm in the dungeon, for something I don't remember doing. My mother followed the guard.

"WAIT, COME BACK. PLEASE!" I yelled out, but my mother didn't return. But she came instead.

"You will spend a very long time down here." The ruler gave an evil look.

I jolted awake, and saw Mushu on me.

"It was just a dream," I told myself, quietly petting Mushu. But was it just a dream, it seems so real.

Audrey POV

I looked around. Where am I? But I my mother. It was dark, but I heard a snapping sound. Then I looked in front of me.

My mother was getting hurt, she was being hit  by whips. I tried to figure out what was going on. I saw her.

"NO STOP HURTING HER." I yelled out but they didn't listen. I tried to run to my mother, but I was chained to the wall.

"This," I turned to see the Queen herself, "is what you get for running away from your ruler. You get to see your mother get hurt."

My mother looked at me, she looked almost dead. No please.

Don't hurt her please.

Wake up. Just wake up.

I didn't.

Jane POV

I was chained to the ground. I looked around, nothing appeared.

I wondered what is happening, when I saw a mirror. I looked closer, and saw a bit of the other side. From what I could make out, there was Mal, Evie,Jay, Ben, Doug, Lonnie, Chad, and Audrey, along with others. I saw my mother up front, also Carlos who saw me with a worried look.

I saw the door open, and it was Queen Maleficent. I tried backing away, but the chains held me back.

"You cannot be aloud to have magic. Only the rulers can, this is what you deserve for trying to fight back the most powerful fairy." the Queen spoke, as she pointed her scepter, the Dragon's Eye, at me.

I started to whimper in fear. She didn't say anything, but the Eye glowed green, and pointed at me. I saw nothing but green swirls around me, and pain going through my body. I screamed. I felt myself being lifted and the chains held my hands down.

It all stopped after a few moments, and I dropped to the ground. I felt like I couldn't breath, and she just stared. I tested my magic, nothing happened.

"Now" she said, as if nothing happened, "To the dungeon"

I felt so weak. I could not wake up.

Doug POV

I was dreaming, I at least I's a dream. I was mining, like what I did before I left. Instead of escaping, I was taken to the dungeon.

I glasses broke a bit more, and it was dark. I notice someone in front of me, on the other side of the bars. It was Queen Grimhilde, best known as the Evil Queen.

"You disrespected my daughter."

What are you talking about?

"Why would she love you? She deserves a prince, not a boy." I felt hurt. I know I'm not what Ecie needs, but I hope to be better, despite me being a peasant.

"She will never love you." That was all she said, before leaving me.

I wanted to change my nightmare, but couldn't.

Chad POV

I was in a stadium. It was dark, but I can still see. I looked around and saw it full of people. In the Royal Area, I saw her.

"For fighting back against the villains, you are to face their descendants." the queen announced, as out of the field doors entered their children.

I looked around trying to find some sort of weapon, but I had nothing. I didn't see Mal, Evie, Jay or Carlos, but I was surrounded.

They attacked one by one. Some tried hitting me, some used their magic and potions.

I dodged most of their attacks, but more came. I felt tired, and gave up.

The last thing I remember is the Queen's evil laugh.


I am in front my shop, and home. But it didn't look the same, it looked abandoned. There were broken windows, the color faded off.

I looked around to only find myself in a whole new place, the dungeons.

"You fought back, when you should have obeyed a direct order." I looked to find Mal, but she wasn't the same.

I looked at her, and she only said, "Did you think i would love, you after what you did?"

What did I do? Then a flash brought me to Auradon, I denied to bow to her.

Another flash brought me back I'm front of her. "Look, Mal. I'm-" but I was cut off.

"It's QUEEN Mal, I don't love you or anyone. Good bye" she left without saying another word.

My heart was broken, how did this happen.

I sat up on my bed and notice everyone is asleep.

It is just a dream. I told myself. But it felt so real.

Thanks to whoever is reading.

Merry Christmas Eve, Happy Holidays.

PS: If your confused of what the video is, it is 'Rise of the Guardians' (2012)

- Santa Claus Guardian of Wonder

- Easter Bunny Guardian of Hope

- Tooth Fairy Guardian of Memories

- Sandman Guardian of Dreams

- Jack Frost Guardian of Fun

- Pitch Black The Boogeyman

Any Questions you can comment.

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