Chapter 6- Finding Ben

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After Jay, Evie and I split up into the city, i took a small look back and saw Evie looking in a store window. Typical.

I notice people staring at me, so I sent a small death glare. They then coward in fear.

Okay, where could Ben be?

I continued to walk near shops and vendors shouting out their products. I look at one store window, which caught my eye.

In the window, it was a teenage boy who was stacking books onto a shelf. He took a small look at me, but then looked away. In that small glance, those eyes that I can never forget, I had a feeling of him being Ben.

I enter the store, which was a book shop.

That make sense, I mean he is the son of Belle and the Beast.

The shop was a bit small, and most of the space was used by book shelves. Only the Ben was in the shop, other then me. I casually looked at the books, and some were interesting.

"May I help you? Are you looking for anything specific, your majesty?" Ben asked. I looked at him, who looked at me.

"No, not at all." I did a small smile.

I continued looking at the books, when one caught my attention. I picked it out, and the title read 'The History of Auradon: How It Came To Be'. Right when I was about to ask the price, two muscular twin teenager came in. I hid behind a stack of books.

"Hey" they said at the same time. I had a feeling they were the son of Gaston. His sons named after him, Gaston Junior and Gaston the Third.

"If you're here to bother me again, now is not the time." Ben said.

"Actually," one of the Gastons said "we're here for the money."

"I don't have the money now, but if you could-" but he was cut off.

"LIAR" They yelled, and just like that, they pinned him against the wall. "GIVE US THE MONEY."

I couldn't take it, so I came out of my hiding spot.

"Hey," I yelled out "leave him alone!" I felt in control of them. They all looked at me. I felt my eyes go green, like when I did 'The Stare' with my mother.

One of the Gastons tried to punch me, but I quickly dodged it. I dodge every move he made, and as soon he was tired, I pushed him onto the floor. I turned around and saw the other Gaston looking at me in fear.

"BOO!" I simply said. It immediately scared him, and ran out of the store along with his twin. I did a small laugh. I then looked back at Ben, who instead of being frightened, he had a small smile on his face.

"I can't believe you did that." He said with a small laugh.

"Well," while folding my arms, "I couldn't just let them threaten you"

"Yeah,but either way, they'll be back. They kind of own this part of the city."

"Really? And You never tried to change that?"

"They always own their own part. It's too late for that change."

I was quiet for a moment, but then said something he once taught me "You know, it's never too late for change"

He looked at me for a moment. We did a small stare, but then I decided to ask my questions.

"So," I said breaking the awkward silence "Is it alright if I ask you a few questions?"

"Why, yes of course."

"Can you tell me everything that happened earlier today?"

"Well," he started off "I woke up, and got started on my usual work. I clean and sort the shelves, take care of the customers needs and so on. My parents left to the market, and left me in charge of watching the shop.Then a beautiful princess came in, and looked around. A little after, the Gastons came in, wanting their money. I refuse to give the money and asked for more time. Right when I was going to be hurt, the beautiful princess defended me. She then told me it is never too late for change. Do you know who the beautiful girl was?"

I blushed. "Let me take a wild guess. Is it Princess Evie?"

He chuckled at my response, which I joined in.

"No, she is best known as Mal, The Princess of Auradon."

I didn't know what to say. There was another silent moment between us.

"Who are your parents?" I asked out of curiosity.

"They a known as Belle and Adam."

"So, where do you live?"

"In the upstairs apartment. It not much but at least it's something."

Another awkward silence between us.

"Is there anything else you need?" he ask

"Yes, actually. How much is the history of Auradon book?"

"It yours. Keep it."

"Oh, no, let me pay. I mean you'll need all the money you can get" I said while taking out my money, but he stopped me.

"No, no. It's all right. You taught me I can change that." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Well, thank you-"

"Ben. My name is Ben."

"Thank you, Ben"

I walked out of the store, and as I left, I looked back and saw him staring. I did a small wave, and he waved back.

I forgot to tell him something, and ran back.

"I almost forgot, I promise we'll make everything right, just like the way it was before" I said with a smile. He gave me a small confused look, and before he could say anything, I ran, giving him one small smile as I looked back. 

A/N: So hope you all like the Ben and Mal moment.

To be honest I thought no one would read this, but apparently this is a good story.

Long Live Bal (Ben and Mal)

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