Chapter 8- What Happened To Them

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Carlos POV

“Okay, so what did Audrey and Jane say?” Mal asked, looking at me.

“Well,” I started off while picking up Dude from under the bed. “ I first followed Audrey, and she was cleaning the ballroom. Then her mother came in making a promise that some day everything would change. I accidentally pulled a curtain off, then Doug fell down the chimney.Maleficent came in and kicked Doug out. I asked Audrey few questions, and all she remembers is the scheduling of Mal’s Coronations dress fitting.”

“What’ll happen at my coronation?” Mal asked.

“Basically, you’re going to be the new ruler of Auradon.”

“What about Jane?”

“She live in the city, in a small old house. Jane’s mother goes by the name of Janet, and that’s all I got”

Evie POV

“Okay at least that’s something. What about you Evie?”

“I got distracted, a little, by these amazing jackets in a store window. I got back on track, but Doug accidentally bumped into me. He told me what had happened in the ballroom, that he works in the mines also, and called me Princess. I asked if he knew Lonnie, in which he answered she lived in a barn near the city.”

I pause for a moment and took a deep breath. It is difficult to say this, of what I found out.

“So, why happened?” Jay asked.

“I found a barn outside the city. It belong to the Huns. I heard a crash in the barn, and found Lonnie. I asked her a few questions. She told me she works for the Huns, whenever there is time, she is taught how to fight. I was about to ask more questions, when we heard yelling in a distance. I hid in a stack of hay, and peek through a barrel. The leader of the Huns entered, and asked her what happened. Lonnie couldn't get her words out, so he locked her in a room in the back of the barn. There was a woman with him, and she was Mulan. I was leaning too much and made the barrel fall. I was almost caught but  he didn't see me. I got out , and checked on Lonnie. I gave her apples and a water bottle I bought earlier, then left”

They were quiet, I felt small tears in my eyes, but I held them in.


I can't believe it. Lonnie was strong, but now she is treated weak.

Mal cleared her throat, which broke the silence. “So, Jay, what happened with Chad?”

“I found him working in a mansion, which belongs to the Tramaine  He works in the stables. I was almost caught, but he didn't tell. He ignored me, called me a Prince, and told me that he isn't  an athlete . But before I could ask any more questions, he left. I feel like he hates us.”


I can't believe how much has changed. Ben look like he didn't change at all.

“What happened with, Ben?” Evie asked.

“I was just walking, looking in the store windows, and saw Ben stocking books on the shelves. I came in, looked at some of the books, when the Gaston twins entered. They wanted money.”

“Money for what?” Carlos asked.

“Don't know, but Ben didn't have the money and asked for more time. They called him a liar, and threaten him. I told them to leave, one Gaston started to punching, but I dodged them all. They left, and I asked Ben questions. He lives in the shops upstairs apartment and his parents are Belle and Adam.”

I pulled out the book I got from Ben from my bag. “I was going to pay him, for the book I found, but he said I could keep it.”

“What's the book about?” Jay asked, while skimming through it.

“It is about how Auradon’s history.”

They looked at me, then at the book.

“Well,” Evie said, breaking the silence, “Let’s start reading.”

A/N: We Finally Get to Know What Happened to Auradon.

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