Chapter 3- Finding Audrey and Jane

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Carlos POV

I followed Audrey first. She was cleaning a large ballroom in the castle by herself, when another woman came in. She was dressed in servant's uniform, and was a bit dustier than Audrey's. I hid behind a bookshelf, trying to be quiet.

They had a conversation, but I couldn't hear it well. I move closer and hid behind a nearby curtain.

"I promise you someday all of this will change" the women said, while hugging Audrey. I leaned on the curtain, which was a bad idea. The curtain snapped off and made a loud bang on the floor.

They backed away. To make things worse, someone fell down the chimney and got cinders and ashes everywhere.

That was when I heard footsteps coming, and I saw the recognizable shadow of the two horns. I stayed hidden in the curtain on the floor, carefully listening and peeking to what is happening.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" I immediately knew it was Maleficent. I took a small peek and saw everyone staring at her in fear.

The boy from the chimney got up and walked over to her. I noticed he had glasses, which had a small crack on them.

"This is my fault Mistress. I was cleaning the chimney and slipped which then made me fall. It causes the ashes to get everywhere, and for the maidens to accidently pulling of the curtain, when they were brushing off the dust." That voice, sounds so much like Doug. I look carefully at him. Imaging him without the ashes on him, and with newer glasses, it was him.

Maleficent looked from Doug, to the ashes, to Audrey and the woman, and to the curtain on the floor. "You, boy, leave. Aurora come with me, and she'll clean the mess. NOW!" Maleficent yelled, her voice booming throughout the castle. Then Doug ran out the door, Audrey got back to her cleaning, and the woman, Aurora, leaving with Maleficent. I laid there, still hiding under the curtain, and processed of happened.

'Aurora, she must be Sleeping Beauty, so which means that woman could be Audrey's mother. Doug is a chimney cleaner, who most likely lives in the city.'

I then left my hiding spot, and walked over to Audrey, who was on her hand and knees brushing the ashes in the dust pan.

"Hey" I said, saying it in a calm voice so I won't startle her. She looked up, and stood quickly, as if I was going to give a command.

"Do you know me? And are you sure you don't remember anything from earlier today?" I asked looking at her. She looked at me with a questioned look.

"You are Sir Carlos De Vil, who helps his mother created new, expensive clothes for those who can afford it. And all I know is that I came to Miss Mal's room for her coronation dress fitting, and she rescheduledit to two days from today." She answer. I was still confused on the whole Mal's Coronation thing.

"What going to happen in Mal's coronation?" I asked. I feel like this is like Ben's coronation.

"Miss Mal's Coronation is at the end of the month. She is going to be the new Queen of Auradon, and only the royals and those who are rich can attend, while the poor just listen of the radio or small television set" Audrey answered.

I was about to leave, when one of Maleficent's minions showed up at the door. I remember how he and Maleficent's other minions worked in the Slop Shop and on the Goblin Wharf back on the Isle.

"Hey, you," He yelled out, pointing to Audrey, "get back to work! And you" pointing to me "why are you talking to her."

I thought of what to say next. "I was actually leaving."

I whispered to Audrey "I promise we'll make everything right" and left her back to her cleaning.

'Now all I have to do is find Jane. It can't be that hard, I mean, she works in the castle and her mom is the Fairy Godmother. Okay, this could be harder than I thought.'

I walked through the halls and found the front door. I notice Jane and another woman leaving. I followed them out the door. They got onto a cart with hay, pulled by horses.

I decided to follow by foot and hide behind the trees nearby. The cart stopped in front of a small old house, which I notice is near the capital city.

I waited for Jane to come out, but she didn't. I decided to knock on the door, when I saw the knob turn. I quickly his in a nearby bush and saw Jane with a small basket.

"Where are you going?" I asked. She turned around and seems surprised to see me.

"I am going to get food me and my mother, in the market place of the city." She answered. She started to walk away and I followed her.

"May I ask, why are you following me?" she asked carefully as she stopped in the side of the roadway. Luckily there weren't any vehicles.

"I need to ask you some questions. It'll only be a few minutes, I promise" I said hoping she'll say yes.

"Alright, but please make it quick "

"Do you remember anything earlier today or so? And do you know me?"I asked.

"All I know, is I came to clean Miss Mal's room, rescheduled the cleaning, did the rest of my work, and helped my mother with dinner when we got home. And you are Sir Carlos, one off Miss Mal's friends. Why do you ask?"

"That doesn't matter now. Who's your mother?"

"She goes by the name of Janet. If you're wondering about my father, he died when I was very young"

"I'm sorry to hear that. But, may I say, we'll make everything right" But before she could ask anymore questions, I ran back to the castle. I hope the others have better luck than me.

So how do you all like the setting of the 'Isle' version of Auradon. More Details in the next Chapter.

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