Chapter 9- Auradon's Past

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I wiped the cover, revealing the Dragon's Eye as the cover. I looked at the others, who looked blankly at the book. We opened the book. It was dusty, looks like it hasn't been opened in a while. The pages were yellow and some were stuck together. The book was sorted by chapters, each going to the how Auradon came to be.

"'Chapter 1 '," I read, "'Life Before:      Auradon once had no ruler. Everyone was happy, and everyone was treated fairly. But a Great Dark Fairy, best known as Maleficent, didn't want fair, what she wanted was to rule all the land. She gathered all who wanted to rule with power, they became the greatest rulers. The most well known is Maleficent, Jafar, Evil Queen, Scar, Ursula, and Cruella De Vil.'" There were few pictures of a Auradon before. It looked exactly how Auradon was before my mother change it.

I stopped for a moment. My mother couldn't just live with fairness, really. I continued reading.

" 'Chapter 2 The War:    All the Villains started a war against the weak. The even the most powerful Auradonians, tried to stop them but failed. The Auradonians never gave up. The leader was Adam, best known as Beast. The war lasted for nearly 10 years, but the Villains only grew stronger with the new magic they created. The most powerful Magical weapons were the Dragon's Eye and the Wand that belonged to the Fairy Godmother. There was a strong battle of Good and Evil, but Maleficent won.' " The pictures were actually painting of my mother and and the Fairy Godmother pointing their weapons at each other, creating a light beam from each side, Maleficent being green and the Fairy Godmother shooting out a golden beam.

"'Chapter 3: Auradon Changed:    After the war, Maleficent took charge of everything in Auradon changed. Auradon Prep was closed, before the war, and abandoned after the War. New laws were made, and new territories were built. Every Villain ruled his or her own territory, while Maleficent controlled them all' "

"Wait, if a war brought all of this , then can't it also change it back?" Jay asked. It is true but the next chapter explains it all.

"Hold on," I said " 'Chapter 4 The New Laws:

1.)  No Hero can fight back against the Villains or their descendants

2.)  The Rulers are only addressed as 'Sir' 'Master', 'Mistress', 'Miss', ext.

3.)  The Heroes and their descendants are to work and earn money.

4.)  No talking back, or punishment s will be served.

5.)  Stealing from the Rulers is prohibited

6.)  Don't be rude to the Rulers

7.)  Must always treat the Villains like they're better than you.

8.)  Only breaks are available on special occasions.

9.)  Speak only if necessary

10.)  If any law is broken punishment will be severe.'"

This rules are crazy, they're nothing like the Auradon laws before, because there hardly weren't any. Well from what I know.

"Wait a minute, talking back is a law?" Carlos asked

Evie looked back at the book. "Yeah, why?"

"Jane talked back to my mother... " Carlos slowly said

"The Tremaines could've heard Chad talking back to me... " Jay then said.

"Doug didn't call me 'Miss', or anything like that, from when we talked. Along with Lonnie, what if she is caught with the apples and water, he could think she stole them... " Evie than said, sounding worried.

"And Ben kind of fought back, with my help." We all looked at each other, with a worried look.

"Oh no." We ran out the door, while Carlos ran out with Dude, taking the book with us.

A/N: More of the history will be revealed later

Now time for a History Lesson ... in (the Parallel Universe) Auradon


-  Maleficent wanted to rule all of Auradon

-  A war happened, best known as the Great War

-  Heroes and Villains fought for nearley 10 years

-  Maleficent and the Fairy Godmother had an EPIC Final Battle.

-  New Laws made, in which most of the Auradon Citizen broke. (Ben, Audrey Doug, Jane, Chad, and later on Audrey)

History Lesson OVER

I believe that is it..... For Now

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