Chapter 11- Running Away Chad, Audrey, Ben

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Chad POV

I hate the Villains. I hate how they think they're better than us.

I was feeding the horses, I lost control of my anger. I slammed the pitchfork on the dirt, and went to my shed. I slammed the door open. Our shed only has a small fireplace, a stove, two small hay beds, and a table.

My mother was the only one in the room. She looked up from the stove, cooking the little food provided for us.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm tired of it. I am tired of being treated like we're nothing!" I lied on my side of the room. She sat on the edge of the bed.

"Well, if you have a dream, try to make it come true." My mother always said that a dream is a wish that your heart makes. I sometimes believe it, but then I don't at the same time.

I was about to to say that I don't believe, when there was a shouting in a distance. My mother looked out the window and gasp. I looked also, and saw some of the Queen's soldiers talking to the Tremaines. We couldn't hear them, but they pointed at our shed, in which we closed the curtains.

My mother got an old bag, and filled it with water bottles and fruit cans, along with a map, and compass.

"I need you to take a horse and go to the circle on the map." she told me.

My mother pulled something out of her bed, which was a dagger. There were engraving on it saying "Believe".

"Only use this for emergencies, and keep it hidden. Your father was going to give it to you when you got older, but you need it more now." She started to tear up, so I hugged her and and hugged back.

I felt tears in my eyes, but I didn't let them show. A loud knock broke us apart. My mother led me to a small hole in the shed. I got through, and said one more thing.

"I'll make my dreams come true, and I do believe."

I got out of my home and quietly made my way to the stables. I chose the horse I knew who had my trust, I named him Charlie.

I saddled up and led him out the barn. I looked towards my home, my mother was at the door. She saw me, while the soldiers also looked back. They saw me.

I got on Charlie and galloped away. I looked back at my workplace and home, my mother waved as did my father. I rode faster and faster away, not looking back.

Audrey POV

I made my way to my home with my mother. It was above a seamstress shop, where I have my other job. I got upstairs, and my father who looked worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"They're after you." he answered "The Queen's soldiers came by earlier, and asked where you were. I said you were at the market place. They want to see you because you stole an item of Princess Mal."

"I didn't steal anything."

"They don't believe that."

I stood there, then went to my room. There wasn't much, only a small bed, a nightstand, a lamp, and a radio.

My mother came in a said something thing that surprised me.

"You have to leave."

"What, Why" I asked.

Before she could answer my father came in. "The soldiers are downstairs."

Before I could say any, my mother got an old backpack. She started to fill it with some old clothes, food, water, a map, and a compass.

"Where am I going?" I asked my parents.

"You are going to where they will not find you."

I didn't want to leave. What could happen to me or my family.

"Here," my mother gave me a necklace, with a dove charm. "We saved so much money, and we were going to give it to you for your birthday."

I took a look at the charm. It was my mother's favorite bird, and the beads were my father's favorite color, a bright red.

"How long will I be gone?"

"As long as you need to."

Would be gone for days? Months? Forever?

"The soldiers are growing impatient." my father told us, looking at the door to the shop.

"Just follow the line on the map. Go to the circle on it."

I made my decision. I know they're trying to protect me. "Where do I leave?"

They led me to the fire escape in the back alley. I climbed on and onto the ground, with the backpack and the necklace hidden in my dress.

I looked back, and they looked at me, and my mother had small tears in her eyes.

"I promise," I quietly yelled out, with small tears in my eyes "I'll be back." I turned and left.


I felt some power in me. I never stood up against the Gaston's. But this time it felt different, like it was part of my destiny.

I continued cleaning the shop, when my mother and father came in, with a worried look on their faces.

"What is wrong?" I asked walking towards them.

"The Gaston's are looking for you. Did they come in earlier?" my mother asked

I explained what happened earlier, with the twins threatening me, the Princess defending me, and that I gave her a book.

They looked at me and my father said "You have to leave."

Before I could ask questions, they led me to our apartment. My mother getting emergency money from our secret safe, and my father who was packing an old backpack with food cans and two water bottles, along with a map, a compass and a blanket.

"What is going on? Where am I going?"

"No time to explain, but we need for you to this." my mother answered.

My father continued the plan for me "You have to take a horse, from one of the stables at the edge of the city, and follow the line drawn on the map. It'll lead you to a hidden place where no one would think of going"

My mother to out an old book, which I don't think I've read. "We were going to give you this when you were older, but you need it now. "

The book was one of the books I wanted to read since I was a boy. It was about the world of Auradon, what's it like know the hidden paths and forest.

My father pulled out an old ring off his finger. "This ring belong was made to show that we can do something about this."

The ring had a beast on it, and looked rare. He placed it on my finger.

I hugged both of my parents and said to them, "I'll be back."

My mother told me one last thing "Just remember to listen to your heart," and my father told me "and you must believe in yourself, even when thing aren't easy."

I climbed out the window and onto the fire escape. I took one last look at my mother and father, and said "I promise, I'll believe in myself and to always listen to my heart. And I promise you that I will come back. "

I looked at my ring, and quietly promise to make things change. I got a horse from the stables and left without looking back.

A/N: Where Do you think the Auradon Descendants are going?

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