Chapter 7- We Need a New Plan

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I ran back to front part of the city. I was the first there. I decided to wait, and look around.

I saw Jane at a stall with various fruits, and Audrey getting of an old cart, while a car started to pick up speed.

I was about to push her out of the way, when some else did it.

Evie POV

I walked back to the city. I couldn't stop thinking of how much things changed in such little time.

I heard a car speeding, I looked up and saw it speeding towards Audrey.

I was going to push her out of the way, when someone pushed her first.


I was about to go meet up with Mal and Evie. I slowed down to catch my breath. I saw a black car coming towards Audrey.

I was about to push her out of the way. When someone else did it.

Carlos POV

I decided to visit the city. Saw Mal, Jay and Evie they were all staring at Audrey, who was about to be run over.

But someone pushed her away.

It was Jane. She closing her eyes waiting for the impact.

Then without thinking, I ran as fast as I could and pushed her out of the way.


Right when Carlos jumped in, the car stopped. I ran to him, so did Jay, Evie, Audrey, and Jane.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah" he replied. He slowly got up. He looked at the plate name, as did I. It read 'De Vil'. The driver got out of her car.

"Mom?" Carlos asked

"Carlos, Jay, Mal, Evie"

"Cruella?" Evie and I asked

"Miss" Audrey and Jane said to her as they bowed their heads.

"Now, as I what was going to say. Ah, yes," she looked at Audrey and Jane, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" she yelled out, causing to get us some attention.

"Hey, they do anything wrong" Carlos replied

"Yeah, you were the one who was speeding!" Evie said.

"You're wrong!" Cruella said back.

"Actually they're right." Jane shyly said.

It was quiet for a moment, Cruella then went into her car and left without another word.

"I want to thank you for saving me." Jane said looking at Carlos. I backed away, so did Evie, Jay and Audrey.

"No problem. I am fast when I want to be." she giggled. There was a silence between them.

"So, uh, I have to go but we'll see each other again." Carlos said, breaking the special moment.

"Yes, of course." We then walked away. Hopefully no one suspects a thing. As we walk, I saw at the corner of my eye, Carlos looking back at Jane. As we walked away, I over heard that Audrey thanked Jane.

"So," I said out loud to Carlos as we reached my room. "Do you like her?"

"What? Who? Jane?"

"Yes, Jane. I mean you had a small moment with her."

"No, I didn't"

"Kind of did" Evie said, joining our conversation.

"Did Not"

"Did Too" Jay joined in.

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Fine, say what you want, but we have to focus on what is important"

He's right. We need to focus. but first we need a new plan.

A/N: YAY I made it up to 100 Readers. When I first started this I thought I wasn't going to get that many readers.

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