Arlo and Drew kept speaking. They were talking about who would stay and protect the people here in town.

Greg listened intently, speaking when he agreed with Drew or throwing in ideas. Alona was surprised at well thought out his ideas were.

"Who is the new king?" Alona asked out of nowhere, she hoped she hadn't interrupted anyone.

Drew glanced at Arlo, "We don't know." He seemed surprised Alona had spoken. "They haven't announced who he his. All we know is that he fought in The War of the Moon."

Alona nodded and excused herself. She explained that she was tired from training, which was true, but mostly she was hurt. She went upstairs to her room. 

She wondered what Drew would assign her to. Maybe he would make her stay and help if there were attacks on the town. Or maybe he would let her attack the castle from the ground with the rest of the troops that weren't good enough for Arlo.

She opened her drawer, revealing her knife set. She plucked it out and threw it right into the center of the door.

The door creaked open, Greg peeked in, his face shocked.

"Come on in." Alona sighed.

Greg smiled and slipped in. He quietly closed the door behind him.

"I figured you'd want to know that I'll be stationed here in town. Drew wants me to be his apprentice. He said that I would make a wonderful leader." He smiled a wide grin.

"Wow! That's amazing Greg!" Alona pulled him into a hug. She was genuinely happy for him.

There was a soft knock on the door, it opened to reveal Arlo, his grin faded at the sight of Greg and Alona hugging.

Greg released Alona, "Hey do you guys want cheese and bean burritos?" 

"That sounds fine." Alona responded. 

Greg smiled and made his way downstairs, passing a tense Arlo on his way.

Arlo knew Greg was like a little brother to Alona but he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.

"Did you need something?" Alona asked Arlo pulling him from his thoughts. Her arms were crossed over her chest.

He knew she was upset but he didn't know why. Hearing her speak with a tone of irritation only fueled his feelings of frustration towards Greg. He knew it wasn't Greg's fault, he was just a kid.

He walked up closer to her. He tried pushing away all his frustrations, "What's wrong?" He stood right in front of her.

She stepped around him and walked to the door. He was afraid she would leave, but then he saw her pull a knife from the back of the door.

He smirked. She hit the center if the door perfectly.

"I know you're not going to let me be on your team. I mean I know you don't think I'm ready, but I am, Arlo." She turned to him, "I've trained so hard. You know how good I am with a knife! And I'm a pretty good shot. I just can't believe after all that... after all that training, you still won't let me be a part of your squad."

He chuckled. He couldn't help it. He couldn't believe this was what she was upset about. She wasn't worried about if she would die. She was worried about not being on his team.

"I can't believe you're finding this funny." She said shaking her head. "You're a real piece of work, you know?"

He couldn't help but smile. "Alona, there was never a doubt in my mind who was going to be on my team."

She groaned.

"And where would a leader be without his lovely lady to guide him and keep him focused?" He smirked, "I was always going to have you on my team."

She looked up at him, her brow furrowed, "What?"

"The only debate was whether or not I would have you paired with me in the castle or if I would pair you with Jerr, Drew's pilot, and stay on the ship close by." He rubbed his neck, "I didn't know whether or not I wanted you in action."

She sat up, "You're serious?"

"Yes." His face was serious.

She didn't understand. "Then what was that look? When you asked Drew who was on your team?"

He shrugged, "I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Oh. Well, no need to worry about that I'm already hurt." She rubbed her shoulder, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

He nodded, "I understand why you would be upset." He sat next to her, "This is a chance to change things in Treeon, and you only want to help."



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