Chapter thirty two

Începe de la început

I walked out of the workers room and started walking past the dance floor full of people. Until someone grabbed my wrist, making me stop walking. I turned me heel and looked up at the person holding my wrist.

" Do you want to dance? " He asked with a small, nervous smile.

" Uh... Okay... " I shrugged.

" I requested a song " He smiled and at the same time Justin Biebers 'Up' started playing.

" Beau... " I began but he cut me off as he started singing the worlds into my ear.

" You've always been my girl, and I'm not ready to call it quits " That was the line he sang and after that he went quiet and we just swayed from side to side. This was our song when we dated. I know it's weird but we always listened to it together and we just decided that it was our song. But now there is no 'us'.

The rest of the song Beau had his arms around my waist and I had my arms around his neck, avoiding eye contact by looking at the rest of the dancing people.

Half way trough the song Beaus hand moved from my waist up to my chin. He gently moved my head so I was looking at him and he slowly started to lean in. Oh my god. Oh no. I wanted to kiss Beau, I really did, but I couldn't. When he was close I pulled my head back a bit and turned my head to the side and looked down at the ground.

" Livy... I missed you. I really want to be with you, to be yours. Can we please just forget everything that happened? I love you " Beau said making me look at him again.

"  Beau... I have a boyfriend " I said and his face fell. Yes I have a boyfriend, or well kinda. We're on a 'break' because I've been acting weird since we came back to L.A and it's because I have a lot of memories from here and I could't stop thinking of Beau and the rest of the boys but I was to scared to call or text them.

" Sorry " Beau whispered before removing his arm from around my waist and walking off. I stood there and swallowed the lump in my throat while I watched him walk away. I wasn't expecting that. Beau always fights for what he wants and now he just walked away.

I shook my head before quickly walking outside. It was dark and raining, which is unusual in L.A. I took a few deep breaths before I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked at the caller ID and it was my boyfriend.

" Hi Matt " I answered the phone.

" Listen Olivia, I've been thinking and this whole break has really given me time to think and I really don't think we work good together anymore " I squeezed my eyes shut. I knew what this meant. I didn't love Matt like I loved Beau but he made me smile and I enjoyed his company.

" So... "

" I'm breaking up with you " He said and I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek.

" Yeh that's probably the best for both of us "

" Hope we can still be friends! I'll see you around okay " Be friends? was he serious?!

" Yeah definitely " I rolled my eyes as some more tears escaped. I hung up before he could hear that I was crying and then I let my emotions take over. I turned around and whipped my cheeks. I was going going to work to not think about it.

I walked back in and tried to find a bathroom to see if my makeup had gone everywhere. I spotted it and started waking over to it but stopped when I heard someone shout my name. I knew it was Beau because he is the only one here that calls me Liv or Livy.

" Livy! Wait up " He shouted before quickly making his way up to me. Without saying anything he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I hugged him back and a few fresh tears escaped my eyes.

" Why are you crying? " Beau asked but I stayed quiet.

" Was it because I tried to kiss you? " He asked and I shook my head. I took his hand and walked over to the workers bathroom and pulled Beau inside before locking the door. I walked up to the mirror and saw that I was black under my eyes. I sighed and Beau came over and wrapped his arms around my waist form behind.

" I know you like hugs when you're sad " He said which made me smile.

" Thanks " I said but it came out as more of a whisper.

" Are you going to tell me why you're sad and crying? " Beau asked softly.

" You know you can tell me everything, I'm your best friend no matter how long we haven't seen or talked to each other " He continued after I stayed silent.

" My boyfriend broke up with me... " I said quietly but Beau heard and he hugged me tighter.

"I'm sorry Livy " He said, turning me around and giving me a normal hug.

" It's okay, I know he was't the one " I mumbled into Beaus chest.

" Do you want to come back to the house, see the other boys? We can cheer you up " Beau suggested.

" No, I don't want to bother anyone "

" You won't! Come on " Beau grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers before walking out of the bathroom.

" But I have work " I stopped walking and Beau looked down at me.

" Tell them you don't fell well " I nodded and let go of Beaus hand.

" I'll meet you outside " I said before walking up to tom who I spotted clearing a table.

" Tom I don't feel well at all, I'm going home " I explained and Tom looked up at me.

" Oh honey. Take tomorrow off okay? Get better! " Tom said and hugged me.

" Bye " I said before walking outside when I saw Beau standing with his back against me and his hands in his front pockets of his black skinny jeans. I walked up to him and when he noticed me he smiled.

" Ready? " He asked and I nodded. We walked up to his car and  when I got in his wonderful smell floded my nose.

Who to choose? *Beau/Luke Brooks - Janoskians - Fanfiction*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum