Guest in the house

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Hey guys! I uploaded sooner this time. It's too quiet in my house and it's kind of freaking me out, so I need to take my mind off of the quietness by writing.

Once again the song for this part is Goose goggles by BrokeNCYDE so... like I said in last part, don't listen to it cause it isn't a clean song to listen to..... if you know what I mean.


 Monica's POV:

 I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, which is my family's favorite breakfast meal. I smiled at the memories of last night. the first time Ashton let out a carefree laugh, not caring who heard or the consequences. I'm not afraid to admit it now. I'm in love with Ash. 

I get up and walk to the kitchen and find Ash sitting on the counter tossing and apple up and the air catching it as my dad cooked breakfast at the stove and my mom sitting in a chair at the table talking on the phone to my therapist.

I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and then wrapped my arms around my dads waist as he kissed the top of my head. I then jumped up on the cabinet next to Ash, stealing his apple in the process. I gave him a big smile, and he looked at me blankly.

Hell no we are not going back to this, I thought. so I reached out and poked him on his side, only to have him pull his arm to his side.

"Your ticklish?" I asked while smiling evilly.

His eyes widend as I tackled him to the floor. Both of my parents looked at us in shock before big smiles broke out on their faces.

"You are not going back to how you were before." I tell him as he lays on his back and I put one leg on each side of him.

I reach down and tickle him cause hysterical laughter to fill the house.

"Stop please!" He yells out to me, only causing giggles to escape from my mouth. He could easily get me off of him and he knew it.

"She's extremely ticklish to, son." My dad says, clearly trying to not laugh.

I immediately freeze as a mischievous glint passes through Ash's eyes. A smile slowly forms on his face and i now know I'm in trouble. My parents burst out laughing just as I jump up and run for my room, Only to get tackled to the floor a few feet later. I try to push Ash away but knowing what I'm doing he holds both my hands above my head and starts tickling my stomach. Squeals and giggles make their way out of my mouth.

"D-daddy p-please he-elp!!!" I scream out to my dad. only to get a chuckle in response.

Once  I realize it's no use I come up with a plan. When I feel like it will take him by complete surprise, I lean my head up and kiss his cheek causing him to freeze and stare at me in confusion and shock.

"You can't catch me!" I yell out and push him off of me. I quickly jump up and run to my room, closing the door behind me, and still giggling like I've lost my mind.

"Monica!" Ashton yells and slams the door open, and glaring playfully at me. However it doesn't work because we both burst out laughing.

"Ashton! Get your tongue out of my daughters mouth and come eat!" My dad playfully yells down the hallway to us, causing Ashton to laugh even harder than before and me to run to the kitchen completely horrified, again.


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