Pink and green equals barbies

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Ok I know I left you on a cliffy last chapter, so I made sure I uploaded earlier than usual this time. I'm going to attempt to make this longer than usual, but I don't know how long it'll be, but I'll try to work on it throughout the night till I get ready to go to bed, that way it'll be pretty long. If that makes any sense. Probably only be about five more parts at the most then I might do an epilogue. Then after I finish this story I'll figure out if I want to do a second part or focus on another story. Or I'll let you decide... do you guys even read this stuff? Probably not since I always ramble. I do that when I'm bored. See doing it Again. So enjoy the story and thanks for reading!

Pic is random one I found and liked.

Song is Designed to kill by Blood on the Dance floor. I had it stuck in my head so I started randomly singing it in my living room, and my 21 year old sister in law walked in and started screaming out the words, then my dad slowly backed out of the house since he just walked in the front door.

Monica's POV:

I took a few steps back and snatched my towel off revealing my whole body in the mirror. I look my body up and down a few times, my breathing becoming faster and harder the madder I got. I spun around to where I can see my back and look at the mirror. I felt my left I twitch as I picked up my once jet black hair. I was beyond pissed. I looked like a freaking barbie!

I stomped over to the closest locker and snatched out the clothes, Which consisted of a black bra and black boy shorts. I snatch them on quickly with jerky movements. This will have to do.

Without stopping to think about anything I run outside and search for my target, And I spot her I take off full speed toward her.

Sarah's POV: Surprised?

Who in the hell does she think she is! I think to myself as I scrub myself clean, trying to get all the itching powder off of me.  I mean, I own this school not her. so what does she insist embarrassing herself so much!

God, she is such a bitch. None of this wouldn't have happened if she wouldv'e stayed away from what's mine. Yeah, that's right. Ashton. Is. Mine! I mean any girl with eyes can, like, tell he's the hottest guy in school. Then he has that whole bad boy way about him nowadays. He will be mine, no matter what.

Lucky for me, I already planned something against her today. Payback for this green hair she made me wear today. I mean. Do you know how hard it is to look completely sexy with neon green hair!

I Hear the door slam open so I quickly slip on my skirt and tank top before running out the back door and outside. I slip on my heels and walk to the middle of the track and carefully sit on a bench.

Not to long later I heard Monica scream out exactly what I thought she would. "What the fuck? Sarah!! I'm gonna kill your ass!!"

A smirk made it's way on my face, serves that bitch right. Don't mess with me or I'll fuck you up.

Not to long later, out walked a very pissed of girl, with neon pink skin, and neon green hair.

I couldn't hell the laughter that escaped my mouth until I seen her take off running full speed towards me.

The next thing I know I'm on the ground with the barbie on top of me.

Monica's POV:

"I'm Gonna kill you!" I hiss out between clenched teeth, while straddling Sarah's stomach.

I bring my right fist back and slam it into her face one good time before someone pulls me back by the waist.

"This isn't over!" I scream out as I'm carried inside the gym.

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