first words

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Ok so the third part to this story, which I,m uploading on my phone since it,s like, midnight and i am suppose to be asleep, but since i can,t i decided to just save as many chapters that i can on her and publish one everyday.

Song for this chapter is Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides. Love this band so if your not into Emo Hardcore type music, then you probably Won't like the band.

I know it's short but can't sit still long enough to make it long.

Cece's picture..

Monica's POV:

The bell rang signalling the end of the school day making students jump up and rush out the door. Me, Angel, and Cece just took our time packing our stuff and walking the opposite way of the exit to detention.

"I wonder if it'll piss them off if we don't show up for detention?" Cece asks us. " probably, then they'll send monkey ninja assassins to kill us all for not going!" Angel says wide eyed in a joking way. "My dad would be pissed that I got detention but if i go he won't be as mad cause I suffered the consequences from my actions." I finish just as we reach our class and walk in only to see the most scariest thing you've ever seen in your life, Mr. Hills. I swear that guy's been in prison before for murder, but the teachers all deny it.

" Take a seat and no talking or you will suffer." He says in a gruff voice filled with anger. Without saying a word we all pick a seat to sit in. After sit down I notice a boy in the back with a black Hoodie on covering his face, working on some worksheet. So I quickly stand back up and take the seat next to him.

"Hey, I'm Monica." I whisper quietly so only he could hear. "F*ck off." he whispers back emotionless. "fine then. I was just trying to be nice." I mumble before turning the face the front for the rest of detention.

Ok so they finally meet and he wants nothing to do with her. Nice huh (insert sarcasm)

Well anyways Please Please please!!!!!! COMMENT&VOTE PLEASE!!! cause I want to know if i should even keep writing or not.

Falling for an Abused teenage boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن