cafateria mission

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Two days in a row!! I'm so lucky though cause the power went out halfway through this part and I manged to copy what I had typed already then put it back on. Anyways I found out how to make book covers. Not Awesome ones but good enough till I get better at it. Also to I have three new story's I'm gonna try writing sometimes and hopefully ya'll will like those. I have so many Ideas And it seems like when I write that one down I get a million more. So I might be getting allot put up and alternate uploading but upload this every day. Plus I got an idea on how to

Song for this part is Sexy and I know it by LMFAO.




Monica's Pov:


That's all we could hear. Deafening silence.

The all at once, everyone burst out into hysterical laughter.

Sarah let's out a scream and stomps her feet like a child. Throwing a full on tantrum, Causing everyone else to literally fall to the ground in laughter.

"Her face.." Cece wheezes out between fits of laughter.

After about ten minutes we all calm down just as the bell rings.

"See You guys at lunch." I say with a devious smile.

Yes, we have something else planned today. Actually two more things, And let's just say, It's just the beginning.

The first two classes went by normally except for the face that I was constantly getting the evil eye from Sarah.

In third period, our group managed to all get out of class ten minutes early and meet up in the cafeteria.

"I need you guys to distract everyone for about five minutes." I tell them.

"Kay!" They all chorus out and take off running and separate directions.

Then Cece and Angel each choose a table and climb up on it.

"When I walk on by, Girls be lookin like Dey Be fly!" They chorus out and start dancing very suggestively, Causing everyone to stop and stare, then the guys to start drooling.

"I'm sexy and I know it!" They scream out then start humming to the tune and dancing more like strippers than anything.

By now all the cafeteria workers made their way out from the kitchen are and into the dining area (sorry forgot what it's called) and give the girls icy glares.

Now's my chance. I think to myself, since everyone distracted.

I expertly walk in the kitchen without making a sound, and look for the fruits. When I spot what I'm Looking for I run over to it and examine them. Apples. Shiny red apples.

Everyday, no matter what Sarah eats, she always gets an apple with it, and I mean always. Then she has the cafateria lady hold back her water and apple, so all i had to do was grab the one that was pushed aside.

I looked around til i found what I was looking for, a little knife. I then poked a hole in the very bottom, and hollowed out the middle a little bit. I then proceed to pour some Louisiana hot sauce in it. I make sure I fill it up all the way before I super glue the bottom back on with fast drying glue.

Once she takes a bite of the apple she will want her water. so I then grab the water and add some dish washing soap to it. I carefully put the lid back in the water so I don't shake it up and cause bubbles to form.

I quickly make my way to the dining area,throwing away any evidence along the way.

The bell rings, causing me to run to Ashton's side and the girls to jump off the table and run over to us.

"kids these days." An older grey haired women mutters as she walks by us and joins the crowd of kitchen workers heading back in the kitchen.

"Did you do it" Alex asks, Glanceing at ans out of breath cece and Angel.

"Yup." I say with a smirk.

"Now we wait." Ash says as a mischievous smile makes it's way on his face.

"I'm hungry. Yo dudes!? No wait don't run I won't hurt you!" Cece then takes off running after some guys that looked completely terrified. Poor guys. The don't stand a chance.

"Let's get food." Angel says, finally catching her breath.

"Ya." We all agree and head over to get trays, I get one for Cece for one she finally decides to come back.

We then sit at a random table just a Cece makes her way back.

We munch on our food until the star shows up herself, Sarah. She grabs her apple and water and makes her way to her seat, glaring at the floor the whole time. Once she takes a seat she takes a bit out of her apple.


Did we give her the wrong apple? I think to myself, still watching.

Then all of the sudden she froze. Her eyes widen and she drops the apple, hot sauce spilling all over the floor. A scream escapes her mouth gaining the attention from everyone.

She spits out the apple and hot sauce from her mouth, and just as I expected reaches for the water and takes a big gulp. Once again her eyes widen as another scream escapes, this time though, Bubbles come out to.

"You bitch!" She manages to get out before she takes off out of the cafeteria.

Once again, everyone bursts into hysterical laughter.

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