Midnight mission

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 Yay!! I'm uploading again!! you can thank onesunrise for it... again. Since she enjoys pushing me to upload and give me some important Ideas. I should know what to do for the next couple of parts unless I run out of pranks. I hope not though. hopefully this will be longer this most parts.

Thanks for reading! you guys are the best!

Song for this part is Bad girlfriend by Theory of a deadman

 Monica's POV:

The next few days went by calmly. Or that's what everyone thought. While Sarah was constantly throwing food and pouring drinks on me, I was busy coming up with revenge.

I don't know why she feels the need to this, Hell I don't even know what this whole war is about. All I know is it's time to knock her down a few notches.

Saturday mom drove me and ash to the mall, and we got everything we would need for the next week. Water bloons, paint, a pet snake, glue, fabric paint, and much much more.

Sunday was spent fixing everything i would need to be put together. around mid day Cece and angel joined us along with the guys, and we did the finishing touches.

"There ya go!" Cece says handing me a bottle of shampoo mixed with some other things. She gives me a devious grin,  causing me to giggle at the thoughts of upcoming events.

"Hey it's already six I better go. you sure you don't need to help tonight?" Cece asks as her and the guys stand up to leave.

" No we got it. Just make sure you come to school to see the show." Ashton says with a smirk.

" Wouldn't miss it for the world." Jay replies with a chuckle.

"By guys see you in the morning." I say as they walk out the door.

"By!" They all chorus from down the hall.

"Guys pizza's here!" mom yells down the hall at us. My dad works nights this week, so it's just me ash and my mom eating. Which is why we ordered pizza.


"shit!" I hissed out as loud bang echoed in my room from the empty coke can I dropped. I froze in place and listened.

Silence. I thought to myself as i picked the can up and carefully place it into the trash can. That was a close one.

I Quickly walked to my dresser and pulled out me clothes to wear for tonights mission. A black tank top, black sweatshirt, black jeans, and some black kne high combat boots.

I slipped on the clothes opened my bedroom door, wincing slightly when the door creaked.

"Ashton." I whispered into the dark hallway, pausing to listen for any sounds.

"Hey. You ready?" Ashton whispers as he slips through a small opening in his bedroom door.

"You look all bad ass." I say, stifling giggles that desperately want to escape.

He does to. Hes wearing a black tank top, some black jeans, some black combat boots, and a black beanie hat.

In other words. He looks completely hot! too hot for his own good.

"now if you're through checking me out, we should start operation Make Sarah regret ever messing with you." Ash says with a cocky smirk. He grabs the front of my sweatshirt and tugs me gently to the front door.

"Got the bottle?" Ashton asks, giving me a sideways glance as we head down the road.

" Yup! right here." I say holding the shampoo bottle up in confirmation.

"This is gonna be awesome." Ashton mumbles, kicking a rock that was laying in the middle of the road.

"Her face is gonna be priceless." I say, then smiling at the mental image of her face.

Then next 30 minutes were spent talking about how Sarah's face would look, Until we finally made it to her house. A two story well kept house.

"Over here." Ashton whispers opening a window that led to the living room.

We silently climbed in, then made our way up the stairs to find Sarah's room. It wasn't that hard to spot. The only door with pink fuzzy felt on it.

"over here." I whisper and nudge Ashton. I grab his hand and tug him to the door.

When we open the door we were met with darkness. Then we heard something. Then again. Then a loud snore tore through the silence. Both mine and ash's eyes widen and we both start shaking from silent laughter. Who wouldv'e guessed that little miss perfect snores?

We ran to the first door we seen in hopes that we wouldn't start laughing our asses off right there. Luckily it was the room we needed. The bathroom.

I closed the door behind us and look around.

"Looks like someone loves pink." I mutter to Ash, who stares around wide eyed. Everything in the room was various shades of pink. and I mead everything. Even her toothpaste bottle was pink.

"um. I got the old bottle." Ash mumbles, clearly uncomfortable in all this pink. I can't blame him though, cause I am too.

I watch as he quickly pours out the shampoo out of the old bottle then grab our own concoction of shampoo and pours it in. he tightens the lid up and puts it back in the same spot as before.

"Let's get out of here before someone see's us." I whisper.

We quickly, but silently, make our way back down the stairs on out of the house with being caught. Then we start our walk back home.

The next morning was the usual routine for us. We woke up, took showers, got dressed, met everyone at the bus stop, then sat at the front of the school to hang out.

Around ten minutes before the bell rang the car we've been waiting for pulled up and parked, And a very pissed off Sarah stepped out.

With neon green hair.

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