Ashtons POV

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I'm finally uploading part ten since I'm in the mood to write, sorta. Anyways I still have major writers block, and now I don't know what I should make happen!!! So now I have to just try and write what I hope is somewhat ok and upload, then hope the next part will be way.... better.

Oh and my friend helped me out a little!!! Yes she told a few things to put down, well she texted me a few things to put down, I just hope my parents don't read the text or they'll wonder what kind of perverted friends I have.

Song for this part is Troublemaker by Weezer... Me and my friend randomly started singing this in the Grocery store, Peoples faces were priceless!! then my mom grounded me for the day, even though she was laughing the whole time.

This part I'm trying in Ashton's Pov!!!! Let me Know what you think of it!!

Ashton's POV:

I feel horrible. She was only worried about me, and I had to be an asshole to her, just to keep my secret. Hell, now she probably hates me, and It's my fault because I didn't have the balls to tell anyone. All I am is a Coward, because I won't tell anyone that my....

"Hey dude. What was Monica wanting?" Jay asked me, walking up and shoving me in the side a little.

"Nothing." I mutter back to him, while entering the locker room. I shove my bag into my locker and walk back out to the bleachers in the gym and sit down. Not even changing, because if I do then All the bruises will be revealed.

"Hey so you asked Monica out yet?" Is the first thing out of Alex's mouth when he reaches to where I sat down.

"No, and I'm not going to." I say to him before adding on, "And I don't even like her."  I love her, I add on in my mind.

"Um, yes you do." Jay says as he sits on the other side of me.

"No I don't."

"So your telling me that every thought you have don't include her somehow, and that you don't dream about her?" Jay asks me with a smirk.

I just stay silent, since every thought and dream does involve her.

"Take that as a yes." Alex mutters, then burst out laughing along with Jay.

I wasn't paying attention though, Because Monica and her friends just walked out of the locker room, wearing short shorts and a sports bra. F*ck. I could feel my Friend down there getting excited from seeing her. Different images flashed in my mind of us together.....

"Hey guys!" Cece says enthusiastically, and sitting down, while the other two just roll their eyes at her and take a seat. Monica's gaze meets mine and she gives me a small smile, which I can't help but return.

"Ok everyone will just walk the track today!" The coach says then motions for us to all leave the gym.

We finish gym and then the rest of the school day. When it's over I head home, to the bad side of town. Once I reach the old dump of a home I walk in only to be greeted by the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke.

"Your home arn't you." My father says walking out of the kitchen.

"Yes I am, father." I say quietly while looking down at the floor which was a mistake.

"Look at me when you're talking to me!" He yells, his words slurring together, as he brings his right fist up and hitting me on the side of the head. The last thing I hear is the slamming of the front door before Blackness overtook me.

Ok so I know some of you might have read about the abusive dad part in the descriptions, but if you didn't, what did you think?

I NEED FEEDBACK PLEASE!!! so that way I know if i should do more of Ashton's POV or if I should wait, and do a whole new story with it being just his POV instead of Monica's?

Thanks for reading still even though it's short chapters and everything, plus the long waits between uploads. I couldn't think of anything in Monica's POV so I did Ashton's.

Next Upload will probably be in a few days.

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