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Ok so I upload like three hours ago but I wanted to upload again since I'm getting more votes on this story than the others, Plus I can't sleep, cause I hate sleep for some unknown reason, so I'm just going to upload another part. Hope it's not to short.

Song for this part is Scream by Avenged Sevenfold.... enjoy:) Love that song for some reason.. gonna get my brother to teach me how to play it on guitar... yes i have a brother<.< and we play guitar >.> well i will when he gets back from Afghanistan fighting for our country! Yes my parents are old by the way. Oh and i get my music taste from him! I tell my parents all the times they sent me to my room when I was little, I was forced to listen to heavy metal and screamo stuff since my room was next to his, their faces are priceless!!

....sorry im babbling (or whatever you call it) anyways here's the story!

Also the picure is of Jay..

Monica's POV:

"Monica get your little ass up and dressed this instance!" My dad yelled at me in his threatening tone. Crap, he is pissed this time.

I quickly hop up and slip on a pair of red ripped skinny jeans with the same belt as last night, an Avenged Sevenfold shirt and same shoes as last night as I'm attempting to brush my hair at the same time. All I ended up doing was falling flat on my face. Hurt like hell too.

"Coming daddy!" I yell down the hall as I finish brushing my hair then running down the hall to the living room only to see my parents already dressed and my dad holding the car keys.

"Get in the car." My dad simply says.

"Where are we going." I ask him.

"Get in the car." He says calmly.

"but where are we going?"I ask again.

"Get in the damn car!" I finally yells at me, his booming voice making me flinch back and fear. I Quickly run past him and get in the backseat of my moms back Nissan and buckling up. Why did I listen to my dad and didn't try to ignore him this time? Because my dad can be scary when he wants to be, like scary as in hit you any second scary, but I know he would never do that to me.  ( my dads like that, But never once hit me and never will hit me)

My parents get in the car and buckle up while my dad pulls out of driveway. I lean my head against the window and fall asleep.

I wake up to someone carrying me and immediately panic. I wiggle around trying to get free but can't.

I open my mouth to scream "Don't even think about it." My dad say's to me trying not to laugh at me.

"You scared the crap out of me!" I yell at him and slap him on the shoulder. "Now put me down."

He gently sit me down and I look at the surroundings. I hear footsteps and turn around to find my dad running out of the room. I narrow my eyes at the door before muttering "chicken" under my breath.

I look around the room taking in everything. A book case filled with books and journals then a neatly cleaned desk in front of me. Where am I?

Then something catches my eye, one word that makes me completely lose it. The one word that pushes me over.

"What the hell!!" I scream out. "A therapist? A freaking therapist!? I don't need one! I won't ever need one! I'm fourteen for pete's sake! Why the hell do I Need a therapist! Get your butt back in here so I can kill you!" I scream out.

"Woah you gotta calm down there sweetheart." I man suddenly says from in front of me making me jump.

"Who the hell are you?" I ask glaring at him.

"I'm Mr. Carson, Your therapist." He says, not intimidated by my glare.

"Monica." I mutter out still glaring at him before falling back on one of the chairs.

"So Monica. How's school?"

"Fine. just peachy Mr.Carson." I say slightly annoyed.

"How about any boyfriends? Or Ex boyfriends?"

I Just intensify my glare at him. That's pretty much the whole session went, him asking stupid random questions and me answering him with smart-ass comments.

"So how did it go?" My mom asks excitedly once we arrive home.

"Great mother.. just great." I reply back annoyed.

"We can get our baby back now. this could really help back on the right path sweetie." My mom continues.

"Sure it can." I vaguely respond.

"Alright well go to your room sweetie and do homework or whatever, just stay home ok?" 

"Kay mom"

I walk back to my room grabbing my laptop and getting on the IM thing to talk to them. (* then the slanted words mean the messages, then letter for each of their names)

*Omg where were you 2day?* C



* your kidding right?"C

"Hell no my parents think I should be an innocent goody 2 shoes girl so now I have 2 go 2 freaking therapy.*M

*that sux*A

*Ya it does*C

* So anything happen 2day at skool?*M

*we hung out with the guys*A

*Ya every1 looked like they'd pass out from shock*C

*lol I didn't know they were in any of our classes*M

*They r n P.E. and lunch*C

*Really?* M


*I call Ashton!* M



*What happened to the other boy's?*M

*We r over them*C

*Hey I got 2 go, l8rs!"A

*I got 2 go to bye!"c


I log off and sit my laptop on my desk. I grab some short white fluffy shorts and a black tank top and take a shower then lay down for the night.

Yes kinda boring chapter but I Uploaded not to long ago so I kind of got bored writing. I finished the therapy part but it was to short so I add the chat in and hoped it was ok. Comment and vote please!

Falling for an Abused teenage boyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin