Heart to Heart moment

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 I know I'm a bad person and I'm sorry. we have about a week that I can upload more and then I won't be able to upload for about another week or two, then we should be finished with everything. On the brightside  I'm better now! and completely delirious. My friend stayed the night and she's passed out on the couch so I am recovering from laughing my butt off.... when she's tired she sounds like shes high on drugs, and it's hilarious.

Anyways song for this part is Scene Girlz by BrokeNCYDE... so yeah all there songs are dirty so if you don't like that stuff then dont listen to it.

Thanks for sticking with me even though I havn't uploaded in forever!


Monica's POV:

 I woke up to an intense pounding in my head. Any moment it felt like my head would explode. So I searched for the security i somehow knew I would find, and knew as soon as I felt the sparks and tingles shoot up my hand I found it. I buried my head into the warmth and went back into my unconscious state.

 When I awoke next time the pounding in my head was gone, So I tried to focus on the whispering voices.

"So how long has he been abusing you?" A man asks.

"Since my mom died, so for six years..." someone else said, causing my heart to flutter, and butterfly's to erupt in my stomach. Only one person made me feel like that, and that's Ashton.

"Has he ever tried to hurt anyone else before?" The man asked again.

"No sir, but I usually keep everyone away from him." Ashton responds.

Wait why would he keep people away, and who's him? And just like that, the memories came back to causing me open my eyes, my vision was blurry but I managed to easily see Ashton.

"Ash." I quietly sobbed out and reached for him. His head snapped towards me with wide eyes. and the man, who I realized was a police officer, left the room.

"Hey don't cry.. It's okay he won't hurt you again." Ash said, Gently picking me up and putting me on his lap. He had it wrong though. I'm not crying for myself.

"I'm not scared of him." I mumble out as a tear escapes.

"Then why are you crying." he asks, and to prove his point he wipes the lone tear off my cheek with his thumb.

"Because of what he did to you, and you couldn't tell anyone about it. How could someone hurt their own child? I mean, what kind of monster does it take to do that to your own kid? I'm so sorry you had to live through that. It shouldv'e been me. I deserve it. I go through life everyday thinking my parents are bad, and all they were doing is protecting me." I say as tears spill out.

"Shhh. It's okay. No one deserves to be treated like that. not even serial killers.... they deserve to be fed to the sharks." He say ending with a small smile that I never get to see.

A smile makes it's way to my face and a giggle escapes my lips. A full blown smile crosses his face at the sound of me giggling. His smile is breathtaking, one of those that makes everyone else smile.

"You should smile more often. I like it when you smile." I whisper quietly.

"You should make me smile more often. It isn't that hard for you." He whispers back. I look down at my bed to hide the redness that's rising up my cheeks.

I yawn, and he chuckles causing me to smile.

"Lets go to sleep... you look tired." He says causing me to give him a playful glare.

"Lay with me?" I ask innocently, looking into his eyes.

He smiles and lays on his side next to me so that we are facing each other, and just into each others eyes. This sweet moment is short live though.

"Use protection!" My father screams out from the living room.

Completely horrified, I bury my face into Ashton's chest as he bursts out laughing and wraps his arms around me. I fall asleep to the sound of his laughter, which is now my lullaby.


So what do ya guys think of this? did I make it longer? oh and what about the heart to heart moment? rating one to ten... how good was it for a thirteen year old to have written it??

So far this is my favorite part of the story. I think I'm in love with Ashton.... Anyways I'll try to upload soon but the more comments and votes I get help inspire me to write quicker.

                                                              READ PLEASE... & ANSWER

Oh and one more thing. I will finish this story soon probably. there will be a couple of more parts. Unless I can think of something else to add in to happen. but If I can't should I do a part two and bring some jealousy and stuff into the story along with Ashton's dad? I need to know so I can start planning up things to happen.

And do I write better when I'm tired or fully awake?

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