she needs a butt whoopin

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Ok so I never got into the other story so I'm writing this instead. Can't sleep so I'll try to get as many chapters i can typed up on my phone and all I'll have to do is edit it best i can (which isn't good) publish it.

Anyways song for this chapter is Miss BiPolar by Blood On The Dance Floor, my friend made me listen to it and it's a good song.

Picture is another one of Monica

Monica's POV:

"That, Is for turning my mom's face black!!' She screeches at me holding a Dr. Pepper can in her hand.

"Oh Honey, we didn't turn her face black, we just dyed it black. It'll wash out in a couple of months." I say in an overly sweet tone before standing up and facing her. "Now let's get this straight, So far this year, you've Ruined my textbooks, Cut my favorite pair of jeans, Scratched my Three Days Grace CD, And poured Dr.Pepper on my head. And school Started a month ago." I say Calmly, But with a Dangerous sound to it. "Obviously the apple doesn't fall far from the tree for your family, But me? I'm not afraid to beat your slutty little ass all the way to china!" I start calmly then end in clenched teeth murderously. By now everyone in the cafeteria was watching to see what's going to happen.

"If you touch me I'll make your life Hell!" She says in what was suppose to be a threatening tone but just ended up being weak.

Of course her weakness makes a smirk come to my face. "What, Little miss Head cheerleader scared?" I ask like I'm talking to a little kid, which is exactly what I'm talking to. I take a step closer to her, Making her shake from fear. "Aw poor little baby's scared." I say before i bring my right fist back and slam it into her face, Hearing a satisfying crunch and screams of pain coming from Sarah, who is now on the floor from impact.

"You bitch! You broke my nose!!!" She screams out at me as her clones run up to help her stand, only to succed in getting blood on their clothes.

"Great! I was suppose to." I say back enthusiastically. "Great hit. she freaking flew back! Did you see that!?" Angel says with wide eyes. "Hell ya! That was freaking awesome!" Cece says then burst into giggles, "Your hairs sticky." she adds on just as a drop of Dr.pepper slides down my cheek. Angel being her usual crazy self leans over and licks it off. "Ew, Gross!" Cece and me say simultaneously as i fake glare at her. "Mm, Dr. Peppery." Angel says making us roll our eyes. "Come on i need to clean up." I say and then head to the restroom with my friends in tow.

After about Thirty minutes of all of us trying to get the stickiness off of me, we finally gave with most of it off and head to our last three classes of the day, then our dreaded detention.

OK so let me know what you think of this chapter, Cause I really really want to know. Probably sucks like all my story's but i'm going to try to finish this one at least so hopefully i will then ill work on finishing my other one. COMMENT & VOTE PLEASE!!! cause I honestly don't get many and if I don't get mush I might quit writing since I'm suckish at it.

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