Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*2 weeks later*

Ashley's POV

"Dude, I think you should go to the doctor. Like seriously. You've been throwing up a lot lately." Jules said as she kept rubbing my back in circles while I throw up.

"Naah. This is nothing." I said as I stood up and washed my face.

Okay, soo.

It's been two weeks since the whole 'cheating' incident.

Me and Darwin don't hangout in public a lot because of that,

we're still great friends though.


Well, let's just say.

I think we're over..

We're not officially divorced yet or anything but

As much as it hurts to think about it, i think he hates me.

He don't wanna talk to me.

He doesn't comment about us in his interviews,


I've also been feeling sick over the past 2 weeks.

I've been feeling fatigue, nauseas, horrible headache...



It can't be.

I can't be...

..Not right now.

"Shit." I mumbled as I ran to my bedroom and checked the calendar.

"What?!" Julianne asked, startled.

"I'm late.. my.. period's late..." I said, wide-eyed.

"Oh. My. God. I'm going to the pharmacy to get some pregnancy test.." Julianne said as she rushed out of the door.

I sighed and layed down on the bed.

I can't have his child, no.

Not right now. He hates me.

I want my child to have a father.

But, I guess it's too late for all of that.

I slowly fell asleep, worrying about the baby's future.

Around what felt like 2 hours,

I heard the front door shut and I went down to check who it was.

Julianne came back with 4 full bags or grocery.

"What is that? I thought you were only going to get a pregnancy test.. Not buy the whole freaking grocery" I frowned.

"Oh yeah. You're totally preggie, mood swings." She said as she pulled out a book and pointed at the sentence: Mood swing is one of the symptoms of pregnancy

"Here, take a stick, go to the washroom and pee on it. Come out when you're done and then after 15 minutes, we'll look at the results together." She said as she pushed me towards the bathroom door.

I quickly removed the wrapping of the test

and put it under me.

I peed on it and put it on the counter and cleaned myself up.

I sighed and stared at the pregnancy test.

Please be negative.

I'd rather have cancer right now.

Atleast I'm gonna die if I did.

I don't really have anything or anyone left.

Louis' all I got.

Now, he's probably gone.

I walked out the bathroom and sat on the kitchen counter.

"What's up with all the sudden grocery shopping?"

"Well, If you are pregnant, which you probably are.. You gotta start eating healthy, not just noodles and canned foods and pizza delivery. Soo, i got you some vitamins, fruits, vegetables, pasta noodles, some meat, bread, rice, spr---"

"OKKAY. I get it. Sheesh. Besides, it's not yet for a fact that i'm pregnant!" I shrugged as I took a bite on the apple that was beside me.

"OI! Wash that thing first! Geez." She said as she stole the apple from me and rinsed it. "Here." She said as she handed it back to me.

"Thank you Jules." I chuckled.

"Come on, let's check on the test, it's been more than 15 minutes." Julianne said, excited.

I groaned and walked alongside her.

Julianne held the bathroom door and looked at me. "You ready?"

"Just.. Get it over with." I rolled my eyes.

We walked in and looked at the test.



This can't be happening.

I'm pregnant with Louis Tomlinson's baby.


What do you think will happen to Ashley and Louis?!

Will they completely break up??

If so, what would happen to Ashley? Her parents are gone.

She has no family left.

What about the baby?





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