17. The Visit

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17. The Visit

"No. I am not going." Jasmine stated firmly, as she sat down, crossed her arms and shook her head in disbelief. Carter had just left about a hour earlier, and her dad was to pick up Peyton in about another half a hour.  She knew that her dad was oblivious. But she didn't think he was oblivious enough to make her and Peyton go see their mother in the hospital. The mental hospital. It just wasn't happening.  And if her dad thought it was, he was crazy as well. Jasmine wouldn't let Peyton step one foot inside that place. She herself had been enough times; Peyton didn't need to experience it. Not even once.

"Jasmine, it's your mother," her father pleaded. He wouldn't force her to go, but he would try his hardest to make her see his side, the brighter side of things. But Jasmine stood her ground, with her arms crossed and shaking her head disbelievingly. 

"You think that because you say it's my mother, like I don't already know who she is and what she was to me changes anything?" she asked incredulously.

"I know you've had a bit of a rough time with her these last few years since..." His voice drifted off. "Since everything happened." Her father continued. "You just need to fix, whatever happened between the two of you."

"Fix whatever happened?!" Jasmine shot back. "And how do you suppose I do that, she doesn't remember what we used to be! She loathes me!" Not that this was true, she'd spare Jasmine. It was Peyton that she really didn't like. Jasmine had never understood that. But she knew it was true. "She hates Peyton even more!" She continued. Slowly her fathers' face grew more and more downcast as Jasmine continued. "You don't even see it do you?" She asked shaking her head again, standing up now and beginning to pace. "How could you? You're barely ever home, and when you are, it's in the very late or very early hours."  A tear leaked out and ran down Jasmine's cheek. She quickly and silently wiped it away while her back was turned on her dad.  Her dad sighed and rubbed the back of his neck before walking over and encasing Jasmine in his arms. She turned around and hurried her head in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry honey. I know. I know. But work pays the bills. It pays for you camera. Keeps you in school and future school." He sighed stroking her head. Something he used to do when she was small and upset. The tears had begun to roll down Jasmine's cheeks, she couldn't help it any more. Everything hurt. Her thoughts her feelings. At least with Carter she could get away from it. But in every other moment it consumed her. And she couldn't help but feel that it was all her fault. Everything. Her mom; the abuse. Her sister; her innocence. Her dad; his work all the time. Her future; that she wouldn't be able to pay for it. Sometimes it was all too much for her to take. But lately it felt like all the time. There was just too much weight hanging on her shoulders. Like lead. Or a backpacker filled with four textbooks. It was weighing her down and pulling her to the ground with it.

"I'm sorry honey. I do the best I can. For you and your sister and mother." At the mention of her mother she looked up at her dad and pulled away from him.
"I know you do. And I know you love us. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not your fault. It's not mine. But I will not be going to see her. Neither is Peyton. I'm sorry dad but no." Jasmine backed away and started to walk up stairs but stopped at the creak of a floorboard behind her.

"Jasmine, as your father and your legal guardian, I'm telling you that I can make you go. I won't but I can. That being said, I am taking Peyton with me. You have no say in that. You may love her dearly, but I am her father and that lady in the hospital is her mother. She will be going to see her. Whether you come or not is now up to you." He stopped and paused for a minute. "But you have two hours to get ready. I have to go pick Peyton up and drop something off at work. Then we'll be back here. If you're coming, you need to be ready by then." He stated, then walked towards his office without saying another word.

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