4. You Call That a Camera?

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Dedicated to foreversmilin, because she is such an inspiration to me! I love her writing and I think she is just absolutely amazing! So thank you Yasmin for being such a great author and giving me some advice!

4. You Call That a Camera?

      The next day was a Saturday, the first day that summer break had officially started. Jasmine had slept in, which was a rarity for her; meaning she would probably be grumpy and moody until she got into the swing of things. Being the early riser that she was, that's just the way things were if she didn't get that jump start ahead of everyone else on the day, an early start on the day. That way, the day wouldn't feel 'wasted' as she had said many times before.

"You know, 'The early bird gets the worm,'" her dad often laughed as he saw her up, making breakfast at the crack of dawn. Her dad was always up though, and that's just the way he was. Jasmine never knew if he ever slept, he was like a machine that was constantly working, only adding some oil and changing its gears periodically, when need be. Jasmine would always smile at her dad's larks and quotes that he stated with ease.

"You know it!" she would reply back gleefully as she grabbed an apple or orange with her oatmeal and headed back upstairs.

Normally Jasmine's 'sleeping in' was about nine o'clock on weekends and breaks from school. But today when her eyes lazily drifted open and she rolled over to look at her digital clock, it read almost eleven. Her eyes bulged as her frantic arms went to throw the covers off of herself and scrambled to get up. Jasmine's lacy cream comforter went flying up in the air, landing in a clump on her bed atop of the rumpled sheets. Figuring her alarm must not have gone off, either that or she hit snooze one too many times, she rushed to her bathroom. Quickly hopping in the shower, the water ran over her head and she let out a small yelp. The water was ice cold well if that doesn't wake me up I don't know what will she thought stepping back from the stream of coldness.

"Everything all right up there?" she heard her dad call from his office on the main level.

"I'm fine! The water's just cold!" Jasmine yelled back down as the water slowly turned hotter, blissfully running over her. The warm water was washing away all of her thoughts of everything going on. Literally everything; it was like for the time being she was in a state of mental block and didn't need, nor want to know or remember anything. Grabbing a towel from above her toilet, she wrapped it around her thin body and stepped out of the small glass shower, into the cool chilled bathroom air. Her glasses lay on the counter by the sink, and for a struggling moment she grappled for them before finding and placing them on her face while leaving the bathroom. She opened the connected door from the bathroom to her room, walking over to her small walk-in closet. There wasn't much room but it was big enough for her to stand inside and walk in a little circle surrounded by her racks of clothes.

Jasmine's summer wardrobe was filled with clothes she would probably never wear to school; skirts, dresses, tight tank tops, crop tops, anything that wasn't shorts or covering t-shirts or sweater type things. Normally, she was good and stayed to the school dress code, unlike most people. Occasionally she would wear a skirt or dress to school, but because at school she had to focus, this wasn't the case. She cared about her grades, not usually how she looked or what people thought of her. Though she was more comfortable in this style of skirts and dresses. She loved the way they were flowy and cute, unlike her prim and proper school clothes that she normally wore. Looking around for a minute, her fingers grazed every item until they landed on a spaghetti strap tank-top. It had a lacy, cream top bodice, and she quickly selecting a fitting jean skirt to go with it. Jasmine ran her fingers over the material, taking it off the hanger and slipping it on her body. It fit like a glove and was soft and comfortable. She grabbed a white jean jacket and threw it on her bed to put on later. Her hair got tossed up in a bun as she put on a simple silver necklace and hoop earrings. Afterwards, Jasmine made her way out of her room, taking a left turn up the stairs that was right outside her door; the stairs to the attic. She wanted to go through some old portfolios to get some inspiration for this project.

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