"Say it again, I dare you, you piece of klunk!"

"Maybe if you'd clean the klunk out of your ears you would've heard me the first shuck time I said it!"

"I'll show you! I'll show all of you that I'm better than you in every way!"

I groaned, smacking myself on the forehead as a dull headache made it's way into my skull. Noah and Gally are at it again. Immature shanks. This had been going on for the past two weeks. Noah would randomly start some kind of argument and Gally would get pulled into arguing back because well...it is Gally we are talking about. Sure, Noah was pretty annoying most of the time, but this was getting ridiculous.

I huffed as I ran my fingers through my hair, slightly pulling it in frustration as I stood up and made my way to where they were. Might as well stop them before they end up beatin' the klunk out of each other. I heard other voices as I got closer, as if a crowd had gathered around the two boys. I rolled my eyes as my eye twitched a little. Yeah, just gather around and add more fuel to the fire..that's smart.

I picked up my pace as the voices became frantic, shouting for someone to stop. When I reached the crowd of boys, I pushed my way through and grabbed Gally by the shirt. I looked around, searching for Noah, but he was nowhere to be found. I looked at Gally to see his gaze trained on something in the distance. I looked in that direction and gasped, my hand letting go of the taller boy's shirt and flying to cover my mouth. I had found Noah and he was heading straight for the opening in the west wall.

Before fully thinking about my plan of action, I shot off across the glade after him, willing myself to go faster as I picked up my pace. I sprinted toward him, calling for him to stop. He ignored me and dashed through the entrance to the maze, disappearing around a corner. A low growl ripped through my throat as I forced myself to run faster, all my surroundings becoming nothing more than a blur. I'll kill that Shank myself when I catch him.

Just as I was about to pass through the opening into the maze, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist, yanking me back and slinging me onto the ground. A sharp pain shot through my entire body as I collided with the ground, sliding back a few feet. I groaned, pulling myself onto my hands and knees. I coughed, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. My muscles began to ache from chasing after Noah and I looked up, glaring at whoever had just grabbed me like that. Gally?

"Why'd you do that?! I almost had him, Gally!"

"You can't just go running off into the maze, Greenie! You're not a runner! It's against the shuck rules, or did you forget?!"

"So what?! You're tryin' to say I should just leave him in there to get himself lost or killed? Who will that help?"

"Who would it help if you ended up getting yourself killed too chasing after some idiot shank?! He did it to himself, Clara!"

I sighed, before perking up as Minho jogged over to us, getting ready to go into the maze for the day. Minho will find him. I'm sure of it. I shot up off the ground and stood on my tip toes, trying my best to lock eyes with Minho. He looked at me as if I had lost my mind, placing his hand on my face and pushing me out of his way.

"Don't have time to talk, Clara. Gotta go into the maze."

"Minho, you have to find Noah! He just ran off into the maze and this shank won't let me go after him!"

This seemed to get Minho's attention. His eyebrows scrunched together in annoyance as he huffed, placing a hand on his hip.

"So, that stupid shuck faced shank went into the maze, huh? Alright, I'll look for him. You should be grateful that Gally stopped you, Slinthead. You would have been banished if you would have taken one step into that shuck maze and you know it. You can't be mad at the shuck face for trying to help you."

Into the Fire(Maze Runner)- Newt//GallyWhere stories live. Discover now