"So, my birthday is coming up...I'm planning on taking Eleanor out to eat, do something special for my birthday" Louis piped in, a smile on his face.

"NO!" Niall shouted, Louis raised an eyebrow

"Why not?" Louis asked, they all looked away trying to not make them noticeable

"FUCK! What is Selena planning?" Louis glared at harry, he noticed the stare and Harry immediately raised his hand in surrender.

"She planned it. The girls did. It's on Christmas eve, you really plan on not spending time with us?" Harry asked, a slight pout.

"Damn! Fine..." Louis rolled his eyes as he answered. He loved his friends but actually wanted something special between him and his long term - girlfriend.

Zayn noticed Harry became silent, he watched him closely as harry became distant and barely talking.

"What's on your mind, mate?" Zayn asked catching harry attention

"What?" Harry said almost immediately, completely clueless to what Zayn asked.

"What's up? Your in your own little bubble" Zayn confirmed, harry shaked his head.

"I saw someone!" Harry took a breath

"YOU CHEATED ON SELENA AGAIN! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?? YOU HAVE A INFANT COMING INTO THIS WORLD AND YOU CHEAT???" Niall shouted, his face red. His face becomes more red once harry slaps him in the head hard.

"I didn't cheat! I'm not an idiot again!" Harry defended himself. He was angry his friends accused him again.

"Then what?" Liam asked, getting really into the subject.

"Kendall was here...she asked for a favor" Harry came out with it, the boys looked at him confused.

"Kendall? Raquel little sister?" Louis asked, he knitted his eyebrows

"Yeah...Raquel passed away" Harry said his head hung low. Harry became silent, after everything she's done to him and Selena they still had good times when they were together, he was happy with her. She was his first love and now she's gone.

"I'm sorry, Haz" Louis said coming towards him as they engulfed a hug. Harry buried his head in his shoulder, his hair falling down his face. Harry nodding, letting go.

"I know. She done so much bad things to us! I don't want to go to the funeral!" Harry admitted, his hands flying everywhere.

"You sure? I mean, harry she is your first love and I'm pretty sure Selena would understand" Louis said, harry shaked his head.

"Kendall wants Selena there. I can't put that much pressure on Selena especially since she's almost due." Harry said.

"Okay!" Louis trailed off....


Harry and Selena have been shopping for Christmas and since they Are having a party for Louis, Eleanor is organizing it. Selena wanted to buy Louis a gift including his Christmas present.

Selena bought Perrie a pack of make-up, she bought Danielle a dance outfit and she bought Eleanor a pair of high heels, that she wanted. Selena also bought Niall a pack of golf clubs, Louis a soccer ball, liam the comic books of batman and Zayn a pack of spray bottle and lastly, she brought Harry some brown boots; that he liked for a long time. Selena also bought little Evan; a stuff toy since he's to young. She also bought Octavia a nice outfit. She bought Demi and Miley matching bracelets.

Harry bought the guys, a game system since they all live together and he bought the girls; a pair of outfit. He had Selena to try them on since, they are basically her size and hight. He actually had something in store for Selena, and he's nervous.

"Harry?" Selena asked, holding alot of bags, harry took the bags from her, holding all the things basically.

"Yeah, baby?" Harry asked, she tilt her head to the side. She realized Harrys been quite and she just wants to know what's going on.

"Are you okay? You seem distracted" Selena asked, worried. Harry smiled

"I'm fine.." Selena glared at him

"Haarryy...." She whined, harry nodded giving in.

"Uh, you remember Kendall?" Harry asked biting the inside of his cheek and Selena slowly nodded.

"Raquel Sister?" Selena asked

"That's the one...um, she came to see me" Selena nodded

"What did she want?" Selena asked, determined to get something out of Harold.

"Uh, Raquel died" Harry blurted out. Selena eyes widen a pain of guilt strung her

"Oh my god! Harry I'm so sorry" he nodded "She wants us to go to the funeral" Harry said, looking up at her. She froze.

"Us?" Selena asked "Um..." Harry nodded, already knowing what she was going to say.

"Yeah, okay!" Selena said, harry was surprised. He never expected this from her, he slowly nodded

"Are you sure?" Harry asked and Selena nodded.

"It's time for closure babe, I want to go" Selena reassured him.

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