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"Okay, can you hear that?" The doctor asked, checking Selena stomach as they hear a heart beat.

"Yeah, is that our baby?" Selena asked biting her bottom lip.

"It sure is, would you like to know the gender?" The doctor asked. Harry automatically nodded, urging to know the gender already.

"Yeah! Can you also take a picture so we can have it" Harry asked and the doctor laughed, nodding.

"Okay, so. The baby seems to be a b-Girl! Yeah, it's definitely a girl! Congratulations your having a baby girl(A/N: i know how badly you wanted a boy but, the story is called Hey Angel...plus, i wrote this chapter a while back.) " Selena smiled grew huge and Harry dimple indented deep once he found out that he's having a baby girl. The doctor lefted so harry and Selena can have there moment. The expression they had once they found out she is pregnant was nothing compared to finding out the Gender. They were estatic, harry was jumping with joy and Selena couldn't even take the words out of her mouth.

After the long day at the hospital, they finally went home. The boys stayed at there hotel, looking for a home and Niall was at Selena place with Octavia. They have some news and would like to share it with them, once they got home.

Once they arrived, the news came out pretty quickly. They were happy but for Selena and Harry, they weren't so much. Selena smiled faded fairly quickly.

"Your leaving us" Octavia shaked her head walking to her as she engulfed her into a hug. It was the pregnancy hormonies talking but, Selena couldn't contain the tears.

"I'm not leaving you Selly. We're leaving the house. We don't want to be a burden here. Niall found a house that he bought. Thank you though for letting us stay here" Selena nodded, wiping her tears as she let out a giggle.

"I don't even know why I was crying. I'm so damn emotional since I got pregnant" Selena laughed.

"It's okay! Found out the Gender" that caused Selena and Harry to lite up. They were excited about the results. Harry had a mini looking Selena or harry and they were excited for that.

"It's a girl!" Harry chuckled, a smile curved ontop his lip, indented his dimple deep.

"Yeah? Well congratulations guys!" Niall said and octavia nodded.

"I'm so happy for you guys! I know your be a great father and mother!" Octavia said, making them smile.

"We hope so" they both said, a smile never leaving there faces.



It's been 5 months now and it's august. The pain of Selena baby kicking was impeccable. The baby wanted to say hello, it was mostly excited when harry was near. Selena found it fascinated when harry was around, the baby will kick.

Selena birthday recently passed and Harry and Selena went to a romantic getaway before the baby gets here. They wanted something Romantic between them. Liam birthday is coming up pretty soon and the urge Selena has to get a present and throw a party but, Selena is getting bigger and she's been staying home. That's why she called some experts. The doorbell Ringed indicating there was guest and the sound of someone pounding on the door caused Selena to slowly get up, arching her back a little since she's already big. She casually walks to the door, opening it a little as she steps back once they door opens wide. The sound of laughter and talks enters her house. She watches as her closes friends enter and almost immediately sees Selena and how big she's getting.

Hey Angel Book #4 Of JALBOYHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora